CAMPI cautious on use of biofuel for motor vehicles

The Chamber of Automotive Manufacturers of the Philippines (CAMPI) is cautious on the use of biofuel for motor vehicles.

In a statement, CAMPI said that "biofuel blends should be an alternative to current 100-percent petroleum-based fuel and not be mandatory."

Consumers, CAMPI said, "should be given the choice on the type of fuel they want to use in their vehicles taking into account its quality, cost and availability."

CAMPI made it clear that "the industry is not in a position to endorse any specific fuel type or brand of biofuel blends."

CAMPI added that biofuel specifications "must conform with the Worldwide Fuel Charter (WWFC)."

The WWFC standard was developed by global automobile and engine manufacturers as the fuel standard for motor vehicles including those with blends of ethanol for gasoline and fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or vegetable derived esters (VDE) for diesel.

At the very least, the CAMPI said, these bio-fuels must be accredited by the Department of Energy in accordance with the Philippine National Standard (PNS).

Currently the WWFC provides that the allowable maximum blend by volume for ethanol on gasoline is at 10 percent, while that of FAME/VDE for diesel is at five percent.

The standards adopted by the WWFC are based on technical studies conducted by the expert automotive engineers.

The blend levels selected are optimal given the objective of maximizing alternative fuel usage while minimizing vehicle emission and ensuring performance, durability and efficiency of current engine design and fuel systems.

Previously, in June 2004, CAMPI informed then Energy Secretary Vince Perez about the effect of alternative fuel use on motor vehicle warranties.

CAMPI specificially cited that, "consistent with existing policy on warranty of motor vehicles, any problem that may be caused or proven to be attributable to the use of fuel or additives not recommended or approved by the manufacturer, after conducting an appropriate test and investigation, shall cause the warranty of such vehicle to be considered null and void."

Covered within this purview are problems directly affecting the following systems or components of the motor vehicle: fuel tank and fuel lines; engine fuel pump and injector; combustion chambers; exhaust systems; and other related functional components."

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