DTI official urges promotion of RP’s training services to foreign groups

Trade Undersecretary for International Trade Thomas Aquino urged key players in the Philippine education services sector yesterday to make the most of growing foreign interest in Philippine training services.

According to Aquino, "we should not miss out on the benefits that would redound to their continued growth (of education and training services)."

One of the countries most keen in tapping the Philippines’ education and training services, Aquino said, is China.

Aquino noted that the growing economy of China translates to genuine opportunities for education and training services for the Philippines.

The focus on China has been very prominent lately, "not only due to the competition that it poses, but also to the opportunities that it presents," Aquino said.

The opportunities, Aquino said, are not limited to the trade of goods, but include the provision of services of exports." Thus, he urged, "We only have to identify the niches in the market."

He cited the fact that there are about 400,000 Chinese students studying in 103 countries.

In the United States alone, there are about 50,000 Chinese students, accounting for 10 percent of the total number of foreign students.

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