Government S&T plan formulated

A National Science and Technology Plan (NSTP) covering the period 2002-2020 has been charted.

The preparation of NSTP 2002-2020 was spearheaded by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) led by Secretary Estrella F. Alabastro.

Also involved in its formulation were other government agencies, particularly those that have science and technology (S&T) or research and development (R&D) program.

The resources needed to operationalize the plan are expected to come from sources other than DOST, Alabastro and Undersecretaries Fortunato dela Peña and Rogelio Panlasigui said during a recent media forum.

Alabastro, the first ever woman to head the science department, said that the NSTP is intended to be an indicative plan that covers the visions, goals, strategies, and area thrusts that will be pursued by the government over the 20-year period.

It also includes a medium-term component which contains the specific strategic programs that DOST will pursue and implement from 2002 to 2020.

As envisioned by the NSTP, S&T, by 2004, shall be an important factor and catalyst for national productivity and competitiveness and as a means for solving pressing national problems.

By 2010, S&T shall be the foundation for accelerated economic growth and improved quality of life and the Philippines shall have carved niches and has become a world-class knowledge provider and user in some S&T areas.

By 2020, there shall have been a wide base of globally competitive products and services from the Philippines with high technology content.

The area thrusts for S&T development during the plan period are agriculture, forestry, and natural resources; health/medical sciences; biotechnology; information and communication technology (ICT); microelectronics and mechatronics; earth and marine sciences; fisheries and aquaculture; environment; natural disaster mitigation; energy materials science and engineering; and manufacturing and process engineering.

The strategies to be pursued toward the stated vision and goals are niching and clustering; addressing pressing national problems; human resource development; support to industry, particularly small and medium enterprises (SMEs); accelerated technology transfer and utilization; strong government-industry-academe-civil society and international linkages in S&T; build up of S&T infrastructure; improving S&T governance and promotion/popularization of science and technology. Rudy Fernandez

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