CEU to publish book on cultural heritage, to include bamboos

The College of Dentistry and Nursing of Centro Escolar University requested the assistance of Nepa-Q-Mart Industries regarding its project of publishing a book about the world's tallest grass better known as bamboo.

Dr. Maria Ayuyao, executive vice president of the College of Dentistry and Nursing, thru a letter, requested lawyer Nereo J. Paculdo's expertise regarding bamboos. CEU will publish 10 volumes on the Filipino Cultural Heritage in connection with their Centennial Celebration on Year 2007.

The first book they published which was released internationally was "Beyond Rice". The second book which is now in the process of completion will be called "The Pliant Bamboo" and will be launched this coming November.

"Since CEU is for global competitiveness, we want to share our cultural heritage to the whole world," Dr. Romina Barcarse, member of the research team said.

Other member of the group include VP Carmelita laO', project consultant; Dean Renato Sison and Acting Dean Merlina Locquiao, project directors; Maggie Simpliciano, manager/designer; and Maria Jona Godoy, assistant project director.

Dr. Girlie Galarido, one of the team leaders, said that they chose bamboo to be included in this collection of books for their grand celebration because of its characteristics that is similar to Filipinos. Another reason is because of bamboo's usefulness in our day to day lives.

For his part, Paculdo, chairman of Nepa-Q-Mart Industries and chief proponent of bamboo propagation program, expressed his willingness to assist CEU with this project. Engineer Mario Bacarra, Nepa-Q-Mart bamboo expert is tasked to share his knowledge and technological knowhow regarding bamboos.

"We are more than glad to share our expertise to individuals and groups such as CEU regarding bamboos. I believe that this plant can help our ecology and can be an additional source of livelihood for our countrymen, that's why we are encouraging everybody to plant it," Paculdo stated.

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