
Business As Usual

Samsung and Automatic Center go to the next level

- Ivy Ong -
The future of technology lies in the future itself. Or rather, it depends on how fast this future is brought to our present. Think about it: only a few years back when the world began to go digital suddenly came nanotechnology, artificial intelligence and lasers.

Now here we have Samsung, a formerly average consumer electronics brand which has sprinted ahead in the race to become a world-class manufacturer of top-of-the-line electronics ranging from cellular phones to flat screens. It has done such a good job, in fact, of putting high tech features into products that consumers would enjoy that dealers are seeing an all-time high in brand loyalty.

Geoffrey Lim of Automatic Center attests to this. "Samsung has come a long way — over the past five years, people are learning to appreciate the quality of Samsung products more," he says. "Especially in G4, we are seeing a lot preference for its LCD, plasma and projection TVs."

And if there’s something Automatic Center knows about taking on the future, it’s got to be in its stylish, reinvented outlet at Glorietta 4, Makati. Barely one year old, G4 is all about gadgets, flat screens and the latest in high-end consumer electronics. It’s young, hip, and cool — much like the third generation managers of the 58-year-old appliance retailing pioneer. The new look is more modern art deco than one of those traditional, side-by-side and cluttered display store concepts. "Times are changing," Lim observes. "Customers today are younger, more technologically savvy — they know what they want and are more informed about the products. G4 is a culmination of our efforts to deliver something beyond what others can."

"We always try to keep abreast of new products, go abroad for information campaigns or product launches to see what the latest in technology is and bring that to the Philippines," adds Lim. It was in one of those trips that Automatic Center saw how Samsung had started to rival other high end manufacturers. The brand was one of the first to move towards flat screen TVs; and all over the world, Samsung has continued to grow in quality and technology.

But it’s not just about high-tech products for Samsung — and the same goes for Automatic Center as well. "We work closely with Samsung to train our sales associates in the latest technology," Lim explains. "We also have a very strong marketing and customer support coming from them. But Automatic Center does not try to push certain products to customers. We are here to provide solutions — a solution that fits the needs and requirements of our customers."

It is this kind of compatibility that makes Samsung and Automatic Center such a good match. Automatic Center G4 is the next generation in consumer electronics retailing, and Samsung is the next generation of electronics. They have traveled to the future and back, making technology more enjoyable and accessible to consumers, and in the process brought consumer electronics to a higher standard.

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