Pope Francis cancels second day of audiences due to 'light flu'

Pope Francis waves from the window of the apostolic palace overlooking St. Peter's square during the Angelus prayer on February 25, 2024 in The Vatican.
AFP/Tiziana Fabi

VATICAN CITY, Holy See — Pope Francis cancelled his public meetings Monday, as he had on Saturday, due to continued "light flu symptoms", the Vatican said.

The 87-year-old had however delivered his Angelus prayer as usual on Sunday.

"Light flu symptoms persist, without a fever. However, this morning's audiences are suspended as a precaution," the Vatican said in a statement.

Saturday's audiences had also been cancelled for the same reason.

Pope Francis, who had part of a lung removed in his youth, was forced to cancel a visit to COP28 UN climate talks in Dubai in December after a bout of flu-like symptoms.

The Argentine pontiff, who took over as head of the Catholic Church in 2013, has suffered a number of health issues in recent years, from knee and hip pain to an inflamed colon and hernia surgery last June.

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