

'A storm's a-comin': Stormy Daniels taunts fake Trump in SNL skit

W.G. Dunlop - Agence France-Presse
'A storm's a-comin': Stormy Daniels taunts fake Trump in SNL skit
This combination of file pictures created on Feb. 14, 2018 shows US President Donald Trump speaking during a meeting with bipartisan members of Congress on infrastructure in the Cabinet Room of the White House on Feb. 14, 2018 in Washington, DC; and adult film actress/director Stormy Daniels as she hosts a Super Bowl party at Sapphire Las Vegas Gentlemen's Club in Las Vegas, Nevada, Feb. 4, 2018. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, US President Donald Trump's new lawyer, said Wednesday, May 2, 2018, on Fox News Channel's Hannity, that Trump repaid $130,000 to his personal attorney Michael Cohen for payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, contradicting the president's past comments on the controversy.
Mandel Ngan / AFP / Getty Images North America

WASHINGTON, United States — Porn actress Stormy Daniels took aim at Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live with comedy as her lawyer pressed forward Sunday with a straight-faced media offensive against the president.

Daniels and her lawyer Michael Avenatti appear emboldened by the revelation that Trump reimbursed his attorney for a payment to the porn star, undercutting the president's assertion that he did not know about it.

On SNL, Daniels took a call from the president's personal lawyer Michael Cohen—played by comedian Ben Stiller—at the request of Trump, represented by Alec Baldwin. Trump said he would just listen in as they spoke, and Cohen asked Daniels if she was alone.

"What are you wearing?" the fake Trump blurted out, to laughter, before cutting the faux Cohen out of the call.

Trump has denied allegations from Daniels, a porn star whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, that they had an affair in 2006.

In a skit that got playfully raunchy at times, Trump is asked by Daniels what it would take to make the whole thing go away.

"A resignation," she said with a smile.

While Daniels made the comment on a comedy show, Avenatti echoed it to The Guardian.

"Ultimately, (Trump) is going to be forced to resign," he told the newspaper.

'Lied' to American people

"I firmly believe there is going to be too much evidence of wrongdoing by him and those around him for him to be able to survive the balance of his term," Avenatti said.

Cohen has admitted he paid Daniels $130,000 just days before the 2016 election as part of a nondisclosure agreement he insists she has since repeatedly violated.

Trump had denied knowing anything about the payment until his new lawyer Rudy Giuliani acknowledged that the president had in fact reimbursed Cohen for the payoff, which arguably may have violated federal campaign finance laws. 

"We have evidence that the president knew in the months at least following the campaign of this payment, certainly knew it long before his statement on Air Force One in April of this year where he effectively stood there and lied to the American people" about it, Avenatti told ABC's "This Week."

Giuliani said on "This Week" that he had no knowledge of other similar payments by Cohen, but that the attorney could have made them "if it was necessary."

Avenatti jumped on Giuliani's remarks.

"The president had effectively an extramarital affair slush fund that was administered by Michael Cohen, and that he would just be expected to take care of these things; they were a regular occurrence," Avenatti said.

"That, in and of itself, should be very disturbing."

In the SNL skit, Trump rattled off what he called a series of achievements as president, including progress on the Korean nuclear crisis. Why can't he resolve things with Daniels, too, he asked.

"Sorry, Donald. It's too late for that. I know you don't believe in climate change. But a storm's a-comin', baby," she said.

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