ASEAN information ministers agree on promoting peaceful, prosperous community

NAY PYI TAW (Xinhua) - The 12th Conference of ASEAN Ministers  Responsible for Information (AMRI) ended in Nay Pyi Taw Thursday with the adoption of a declaration agreeing to further strengthen cooperation in the fields of information and media to promote awareness and promoting a Peaceful and Prosperous ASEAN Community.

The ASEAN ministers agreed to collaborate towards supporting the development of the social responsible media in ASEAN and to expedite the implementation of the relevant action lines under ASCC Blueprint.

The ministers agreed to further catalyze the advantages of new and social media in dissemination of information and educating people on ASEAN, and encouraging them to contribute to consolidating ASEAN solidarity and unity in the ASEAN community building process.

The declaration agreed to formulate necessary action plan and roadmap on information and media to advance ASEAN awareness and community building and realize the ASEAN regional integration and Post 2015 vision.

Simultaneously, the ASEAN+3 ministers responsible for information also issued a  joint media statement at the end of their series of meetings calling for enhancing information and media cooperation.


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