Myanmar calls for promoting socially responsible media for ASEAN community

NAY PYI TAW (Xinhua) - Myanmar Vice President Dr. Sai Mauk Kham on Thursday called for promoting socially responsible media for the ASEAN community, stressing that media is an important channel for ASEAN peoples to promote core values of ASEAN which is unity in diversity.

Addressing the opening of the 12th ASEAN Ministers Meeting Responsible for Information (AMRI), Sai emphasized the important role of ASEAN interconnectivity with media standing as a bridge between ASEAN people to enhance friendship and understanding.

He called on attendants of the meeting to extend the existing work plan and adopt appropriate activities to promote ASEAN Community and social responsible media in accordance with the theme "Social Responsible Media for a Peaceful and Prosperous Community."

The meeting will be followed by the 3rd AMRI+3 (China, Japan and South Korea) meeting on the day.

On Wednesday, an ASEAN+3 Senior Officials Meeting for the AMRI+ 3 was held.  


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