Transgender Texas student's tuxedo photo approved

This photo provided by the Southern Poverty Law Center shows Stella Loredo, left, and her son, Jeydon Loredo, a South Texas transgender teenager who grew up female but now identifies himself as a male. Jeydon and his mother say when he took a photograph wearing a tuxedo, his school district refused to allow the picture to appear in the yearbook because it violated “community standards.” Loredo and attorneys with the Southern Poverty Law Center are threatening legal action against the La Feria Independent School District if it does not include the photo in the yearbook. AP

HOUSTON — A Texas school district reversed course on Friday, saying it will allow a photo of a transgender student wearing a tuxedo to appear in the teen's high school yearbook.

Jeydon Loredo, who grew up female but now identifies as a male, and his mother had said the school district was not allowing his photograph because it violated "community standards."

But after a meeting late Friday afternoon, the La Feria school district agreed to let the photo be used in the book featuring pictures of graduating students, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the district announced.

The law center had threatened to file a lawsuit if a decision allowing the tuxedo photograph to be included wasn't made by Nov. 21.

In a telephone interview, Jeydon said he was "pretty happy" about the district's decision.

"It was just very frustrating, the whole thing. To me, it was just a simple answer that I wanted. But we got the answer. So it's great, man," said Jeydon.

La Feria, a town of about 7,300 residents.

Alesdair Ittelson, an attorney with the law center, said the district's decision sends "a signal to other school districts that transgender students should be recognized as important members of their communities rather than ostracized and subjected to discrimination. We applaud Jeydon's courage in standing up for his rights."

School district Superintendent Raymundo Villarreal Jr. said the resolution "is in the best interest of the student and the school and the community."

In a statement, the district said Jeydon was never in danger of "being completely excluded from appearing in the portrait section of the high school yearbook."

"There were discussions between the student, the student's family and the administration on options affiliated with a dress code, including options which were gender neutral," according to the statement.

Jeydon's mother, Stella Loredo, said that during a meeting with Villarreal, she was told that the photograph of her son in a tuxedo "goes against the community standards."

Villarreal told her that "they were a conservative school and that (outfit) wouldn't follow the school policy as far as their dress code," she said.

Stella Loredo said she was told her son's photograph would be included only if he wore feminine attire, such as a drape or blouse.

"It was frustrating," she said. "This has never happened in our small town. I kind of expected that it wouldn't go smoothly. But I'm happy that it has been resolved. And we got just what we wanted," she said.

In its statement, the district said that dress code issues "can be difficult and complicated. Oftentimes, an administrator is called to balance perceived community standards and individualized requests."

Ittelson said the district's action violated Jeydon's right to freedom of expression under the First Amendment, as well as the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment and Title IX, the law requiring gender equity in every educational program that receives federal funding.

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