

CHR to probe NPA killings in Negros Occidental

Gilbert Bayoran - The Philippine Star

BACOLOD CITY, Philippines — The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has vowed to investigate the killing of civilians accused by the New People’s Army (NPA) of being military informants in Negros Occidental.

Since April, the NPA has issued separate statements claiming responsibility for the death of nine civilians.

“This could be a violation of the right to life allegedly committed by non-state actors,” Vicente Parra, chief of the CHR-Negros Occidental, said.

Parra said the CHR would investigate the issue motu proprio. He cited a provision in the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which states that everyone has the right to life, liberty and security.

The Army’s 3rd Infantry Division (3ID) based in Negros Occidental welcomed the move of the CHR.

“We welcome any investigation that will shed light on these incidents and help bring justice for the victims and their families,” Maj. Gen. Marion Sison, chief of the 3ID, said.

Sison said the 3ID would coordinate with the CHR to ensure a thorough, impartial and transparent investigation.

“With the support and cooperation between the 3ID and CHR, we ensure that justice is served, human rights are protected and peace is restored in Negros Occidental,” Sison added.

The NPA has owned up to killing Danny Boy Bartolome in La Castellana, village watchman Alexander Alquizar in Calatrava, Myrna Bilando in Kabankalan, Donnie Baculi and Jun Habagat in Sipalay, Albert Golez in Moises Padilla and Ritoy Pedro in Binalbagan.

The killings reportedly occurred from April 11 to May 3.

On May 9, the NPA Leonardo Panaligan Command issued another statement claiming responsibility for the death of Arman Binalo-ac in La Castellana.

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