Rocamora files bill vs sexual harassment

CEBU, Philippines - Siquijor Representative Rav Rocamora yesterday filed a bill penalizing all forms of sexual harassment, whether in public or private, and whether online or offline.

House Bill 5213, or the Comprehensive Anti-Sexual Harassment bill, will punish any person who commits acts ranging from cat-calling and repeated requests for a name and number to touching, flashing, public masturbation, and all analogous cases that evoke a sense of intimidation, hostility, offense, fear, or repulsion from the victim.

The bill will also amend the Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995 in order to remove the limitation to superior-subordinate relationships and expand it to cover any person in the workplace or educational institution.

“Currently, there are gaps in the law, … not enough to address the other instances of sexual harassment," explained Rocamora, who filed the bill coinciding with the celebration of the International Women's Day. —Contributed by Carlo Vargas

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