Comelec-8 head tells candidates: Only 2 police escorts allowed

TACLOBAN CITY, Philippines – Comelec-Region 8 Director Jose Nick Mendros issued a warning to all candidates, requesting for police escorts, that the commission will only allow two bodyguards from the Philippine National Police, but can hire two more, but from a security agency.

During the weekly Express it at the Park media forum, Mendros said, based on Comelec records, the Petillas in Leyte, Representative Lucy Torres and the Codillas in the 4th of Leyte, the Tans in Samar, the Dazas in Northern Samar, and the outgoing congressman Andy Salvacion (3rd district of Leyte) who is running for mayor but whose daughter is running for Congress, were among those who filed requests for police escorts.

These requests were forwarded to the Comelec central office's committe on ban of firearms and personality, headed by Commissioner Al Parino, which has the authority to either deny or approve them, Mendros told the media.

Mendros also said no preferential favor will be given to any candidate and that they have to comply all requirements for such request, such as "threat assessment " from the PNP itself.

The warning of Mendros came after the PNP and the Armed Forces of the Philippines earlier ordered the recall of all police or military escorts assigned to different politicians in the region and other government officials even before the official implementation of the gun ban last week.

"If they (politicians) can pass the 'threat assessment" showing their security is at risk due to threats, then police escort will be deployed to any candidate, but can hire two blue guards themselves. This limitations will prevent the creation of a private armed group," Mendros said.

In Eastern Visayas,  only 2.6 million are qualified to vote in the May 9 elections after the Comelec-8 ordered the disqualification of more than 78,000 voters for failing to undergo biometrics, as mandated by elections law.

Mendros added that of the 78,325 disqualified voters, a total of 25,005 are from Leyte, while.23,934 are from Samar, 16,005 from Northern Samar, 7,443 from Eastern Samar, 4,850 from Southern Leyte, and 1,088 from Biliran. (FREEMAN)

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