Binay refutes ‘black propaganda’ “Conditional cash transfer to continue”

CEBU, Philippines - Vice President Jejomar Binay the other day declared he is for the continuation and even expansion of the Conditional Cash Transfer, under the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps), contrary to the smear campaign of his detractors that he would scrap it if he wins the presidency.

Binay, during his four-day visit to Negros Oriental, told reporters in Dumaguete City that when he becomes president he would readily push for the continuation of whatever good programs started by the previous administrations.

“Hindi ako kasama sa bagong hari, bagong ugali,” he said without referring to any group or personality, while denouncing the so-called black propaganda spread before that he would stop the CCT of the 4Ps.

Binay said he had even proposed for the expansion of CCT, started during the time of then president Gloria Arroyo, which was proven to be an effective tool in improving the health, nutrition and the education of children (aged 0-18), of the poorest of the poor.

However, Binay said that something must be done to make sure that only those who are qualified can avail themselves of the program and that funding should be included in the regular budget.

In Negros Oriental, a similar black propaganda has been circulated in the second district saying that if a local candidate will be defeated in the 2016 elections, the 4Ps will be discontinued in the province.

Governor Roel Degamo said no politician or anybody can claim ownership of the program, which has been intended to uplift the lives of the poorest among the poor. 

The governor assured 4Ps beneficiaries in the province that this claims were acts of deception, as he urged the people to vigilant instead against persons responsible for the black propaganda.

Binay, along with his senatorial bets, also attended the Mass celebrating the Solemnization of the Immaculate Conception last December 8 when Bishop Julito Cortes issued a Oration Imperata to end the extrajudicial killings in the province.

Binay announced at a news conference, at a different venue following the Mass, that if elected president next year, he would designate his running mate, Senator Gregorio Honasan as “crime czar” whose military background would make him qualified to address crimes, especially the illegal drugs trade, in the country.

On extrajudicial killings, Binay declared that no one has the right to take another person’s life, and that he does not believe in the death penalty.  (FREEMAN)



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