Cops nab two drug suspects

TAGBILARAN CITY, Philippines - — Police operatives raided a room inside a lodging house located at the central part of this city, resulting in the arrest of two suspects, one of whom was a security guard, police report said.

The suspects, identified as Ryan Antonio and security guard Ariel Cenecero, were arrested by virtue of a search warrant issued by Judge Suceso Arcamo of the Regional Trial Court, police said.

Confiscated from the suspects were several sachets, containing white powder believed to be shabu, and other paraphernalia and an unlicensed firearm from Cenecero, who was allegedly a member of the  Bronze Cross Detective and Security Agency, said the police.

Senior Supt. Dennis Agustin, director of the Bohol Provincial Police Office, said the campaign against the illegal drug’s trade and abuse has been withou let-up and he urged the people to help curb the menace.

As this developed, the Bohol Poll 2014 showed that 44 percent of the Boholanos believed illegal drugs is “not a problem at all,” 22 percent said it is “not serious,” 18 percent said it is “somewhat serious,” and only 15 percent said it is a “very serious” menace.   (FREEMAN)

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