Phl Army’s 3rd ID has new head

CEBU, Philippines - A decorated military official, who was implicated in the arrest and detention in 2010 of 43 health workers known as “Morong 43,” will assume the post of commander general of the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division based in Camp Peralta at Jamindan town of  Capiz.

Brigadier Gen. Aurelio Baladad, a member of  the Philippine Military Academy Class 1982, was picked from among several names who were earlier floated to replace Major Gen. Jose Mabanta, Jr., who retired from active military service almost three weeks ago.

Baladad will be installed in a turn-of-command ceremony today (July 12) to replace Brig. Gen. Jonas Sumagaysay, the 3rd ID deputy commander who temporarily took the helm following Mabanta’s relief  in June 19.

Baladad is the outgoing deputy chief of staff for operations  of  the AFP who supervises all the operational aspects of the Philippine Armed Forces.

Amid oppositions due to his alleged links to the controversial Morong 43 case, Baladad got his promotion last year.

In the public’s eye, however, Baladad’s brilliant accomplishment as a military official was set aside following torture charges filed at the Department of Justice by the Morong 43. (FREEMAN)

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