For rejecting budget? Mayor “punches” vice mayor

GETAFE, BOHOL, Philippines– Vice Mayor Simon Torreon of this northeastern town confirmed he was hit by a punch on his face thrown by Mayor Cary Camacho minutes after he came out from the session recently.

This prompted him to file formal complaint against the mayor whom he accused of being hooked to a “vice” but without saying what is this “vice” he was referring to.

The Freeman tried but failed to contact Camacho through his mobile phone for his comments. He was also out of office when called.

The police however confirmed that the punching incident was put on record at the Police Station here by Torreon, while Camacho also had it on blotter alleging that it was the other way around—the vice mayor punched the mayor.

In an exclusive interview with The Freeman, Torreon admitted that he earned the ire of Camacho when he refused to affix his signature for approval of the supplemental budget of P1.2 million, which the mayor allegedly inserted reportedly without the Municipal Council’s consideration.

When confronted, Camacho insisted that the fund insertion was intended for acquisition or purchase of a brand new car even if the mayor still has a serviceable vehicle, Torreon alleged.

Torreon claimed that the fund may be prioritized to acquire a new fire truck instead because the appropriation for this was earlier intended to buy an ambulance but was only diverted to a dump truck that is now dilapidated.

Torreon is now vying for reelection with Monillos, as his mayor, the uncle of Camacho who did not file his candidacy for another term. It was the younger brother of the incumbent mayor who is running instead for the mayoralty against Monillos. (FREEMAN)

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