Mayor Mike Rama's hexagon of vision and leadership

Unlike other politicians who are myopic, Cebu City Mayor Michael Lopez Rama is a visionary. He has a vision and a mission, a strategy, not just a dream.

The aspiration to make Cebu City become like Singapore is a legitimate vision. Rama and his inner circle of leaders should build a Hexagon Strategic Plan with six pillars. Without these, the vision is nothing but an empty dream.

First, a new breed of Cebuanos who are united by a common set of values. Second, a dynamic and daring leadership who are not stifled by myopic and selfish political ambitions. This is supported by third, honest, fast, polite, and well-managed civil servants who practice service excellence. Fourth, world-class infra, transport and IT systems with communication systems that are digital using cutting-edge technology. Fifth, financial strength, economic development and a bustling commerce and trade. Sixth, enhanced and sustainable social services and development to make sure that no Cebuano is left behind. For these, Rama needs six disciples, each one to focus on: 1.) People 2.) Leadership 3.) Governance 4.) Technology 5.) Finance and economic issues 6.) Social development.

Singapore didn’t come out of thin air. It’s a result of the vision of Lee Kuan Yew followed up by a concrete action plan with timetables. He was highly-respected, trusted, and even loved by the people. One of his talents was the ability to choose the inner core of disciples to help him build a city state that’s the envy of many. Lee wasn’t surrounded by political animals and sycophants but true, honest professionals who shared the leader's vision and values. The problem confronting Rama is the values of his own inner circle. Many have competence but no commitment. Some have honesty but no skills. Rama should start on the two pillars of people and leadership.

These two pillars will determine the remaining four. If the people of Cebu are not bound by the same vision and values, then the other pillars shall collapse like a house of cards. The people are crucial, they need to understand what exactly Rama is trying to say when he identified Singapore as a model. Does he mean the economy, the financial muscle, the wealth of the city-state and the prosperity of the people? Or does he only mean the physical looks, the clean and beautiful streets, massive infrastructure, well-managed traffic, reliable transport systems, world-class communications and technology? As of today, no one is making the people understand what is in the mind and heart of the leader. Cebuanos cannot follow him if they don’t really know what his plan is. The new Cebu City cannot be built on vagueness and generalization.

Another major hurdle of Rama is his inner circle and his governance team. This is where Lee excelled. He knew how to choose the right people for the right focus. For instance, for Rama's hexagon, if he wants to learn from Lee, he should choose one clean, competent, and conscientious professionals with no hidden plan to betray him. This guy should be his secret strategist who will never outshine the master. President Duterte had Bong Go who is willing to take a bullet for him. President Marcos had Rafael Salas who was the true repository of wisdom and strategy. Now, BBM has Anton Lagmadeo, his true bosom confidante, not the 99-year old Enrile, not even the executive secretary. Anton is the grandson of banana king Tony Floirendo, trusted friend of FM Sr. Mike Rama should have one of those.

The distance between Cebu City and Singapore is a long, long way to go. And we may not live to see the dawning of a new Cebu City of such a stature and grandeur. But a journey of a thousand miles should start with the first step, as Lee always had in mind when he decided that the island should disengage from Malaysia. He did it because he had a concrete plan, and he had the people who had the will and the skill. This hexagon is my own creation and intellectual property, but I don’t mind if Rama can find in it some keys to his lofty dream.

Mayor Mike is a good man who loves Cebu City and his country. He needs our prayers and our support. Let's give these to such a fine gentleman and well-meaning Cebuano leader. No one else has this grandiose vision and dream. For sure, he cannot do it alone. We need to help him.

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