Again, we need to unite!

We remember Ninoy Aquino today, August 21.

On this day, in 1983, against all advice and odds, Ninoy came home believing that he could convince the dictator to lead our people and our nation along a united path.

Instead, at the airport tarmac, the cowards who wanted to cling on to power, the insecure who feared him as a powerful rival silenced his voice and ended his life as he was about to step back onto his beloved homeland.

His assassination galvanized millions to take to the streets to honor a patriot killed because of his love for all Filipinos.

“Tama na, sobra na, palitan na,” cried the unstoppable Filipinos.

People Power toppled the dictator in 1986.

May Ninoy Aquino’s martyrdom remind all Filipinos that there is power in unity, that People Power ang handog ng Filipino sa mundo!

Ninoy’s widow, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, also offered her service and life for all Filipinos. So did their son, PNoy.

Today, may we celebrate how loved we were by these and other selfless/genuine servant-leaders.

Today, may we also be awakened and reminded about how much we are missing genuine servant-leaders like them.

Today, may we all once again be inspired to unite to restore genuine servant-leaders for our country, for all Filipinos.

Imagine if our country truly had genuine servant-leaders now.

If only our country had selfless/genuine servant-leaders, the trillions left by PNoy would have been well spent to serve the neediest.

There would have been enough jobs for the unemployed, food for the hungry, health, education, welfare and other services, especially for the poor, the marginalized.

Especially during this pandemic, with selfless/genuine servant-leaders, governance would have been more pro-people, more organized, more data-driven, more collaborative and comprehensive, more effective.

Unlike now, where so many public offices are flagged by COA to explain questionable transactions or to present necessary documents, had there been genuine servant-leaders now, transparency and accountability would have been practiced.

All or most government agencies would have seriously and responsibly been required to account for every centavo allocated to their offices from public funds rightfully owned by and to be used for the Filipino people, not for a select, undeserving few and privileged.

How many billions of pesos that should have gone to our needy have been unaccounted for or misspent? Especially now during this pandemic, all Filipinos, not only COA, should be united in demanding for accountability from government, national and local.

We need to unite again, most especially now that this pandemic will continue for some more time!

Expect the delta variant, for example, to stay a while as it did in India and Indonesia where it peaked for two months before slowing down!

How can we all unite to stem this delta variant soonest?

What lessons can we all learn together from India, Indonesia, and other countries that have effectively controlled further spread of the COVID-19 and its variants?

More than ever, we need to unite to demand a more effective pandemic response to protect more of our people not only from the virus/variants but from other related non-medical, non-health challenges!

How can medical/health and other services be made more accessible to our people now and in the next months?

Government cannot escape its responsibility to provide all types of support and concern for our people especially during this pandemic.

Government cannot say there is no more money after COA has informed all that this government had/have billions that need to be fully and honestly accounted for.

United, all Filipinos should now start demanding for these questionable billions to be restored, returned to the public coffers to be used, shared judiciously, equitably for the people, starting from the most needy all throughout the country.

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