When arrogance is aggravated by vindictiveness

Public officials can never become true public servants if they are infected with the cancer of arrogance exacerbated by an acute gangrene of vindictiveness.

Arrogance is an illusion of false superiority, symptomatic of a severely insecure mind and a deeply wounded heart. Such a mind and such a heart are both overpowered by a psychological fear of losing power or losing control. Arrogance therefore is a camouflage of an unhappy person who tries to cover up his insecurities with the false adornments of being very strict, and the artificial embellishments of being hard to talk to and difficult to deal with. It is a defense mechanism of a weak person who tries very hard to put up a front of strength and fortitude. The truth of the matter is that an arrogant person is a very weak personality who can easily be manipulated by underlings who kneel before him to reinforce his delusions of grandeur.

Vindictiveness, on the other hand, is the inordinate fixation with the utmost desire to seek revenge, to get back at someone who might have stepped on his toes, who might have rubbed him the wrong way, or insulted him and earned his ire. Vindictiveness is a disease of the mind, it is a spontaneous but long-held negative feeling of anger and spite, and the incurable urge to hurt someone. Vindictiveness is a derivative of the Latin word “vindicta” or “vendetta” which means revenge. The Old Testament had an apt phrase “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” This phrase illustrates the strong demand for revenge, the unstoppable pursuit to inflict injury and pain on another who has wronged him.

Those who have ascended to power as a result of a mandate given by the electorate in the last political exercise should examine themselves, and their patterns of behavior, their thoughts, words, and actions, whether they are already infected by the twin maladies of arrogance and vindictiveness.

An arrogant public official hates criticisms, even if some of these are true and legitimate. A vindictive governor, mayor, or congressman uses his power, his resources, and his influence to persecute his political opponents even after he has already defeated them in the polls. Vindictiveness leads winners to wipe out and dismiss all the subordinates of their political rivals, even if many of them are competent and professionals.

Arrogance and vindictiveness will be punished by God himself in due time. Some call it “karma” and others call it “gaba”. The Good Book has a lot of prophesies about it. In Jeremiah 50:31 to 32, it is written: “Behold, I am against you, oh arrogant one. For your day has come, the time when I will punish you.

The arrogant one will stumble and fall. And I will set fire to his cities. And I will devour all his environs.” In Daniel 5:20, it is also written: “But when his heart became arrogant and vindictive, he was deposed from his royal throne, and his glory was taken away from him.” In Ezekiel, 7: 8 to 10, it says: “Now I shall pour out my wrath on you for your arrogance, and spend my anger against you, judge you against your wicked ways.”

Public officials who use their power to show their arrogance and vindictiveness will surely reap the poisonous fruits of their evil deeds. They will have their time of reckoning, mark my words.


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