A card Robredo has to read

I’d like to thank Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmeña for sending me a card that reminds me firstly that he descends from President Sergio Osmeña Sr. and secondly that I shall vote in Cluster Number 143 where my Precinct Number 0455A is a part of. (My family members also got their copies). This card is actually a campaign tool replacing the once popular sample ballots. It measures three and one half inches by three and three fourth inches and can fit in a pocket. It is printed on cartolina in four colors, back to back. There is nothing in this card that should indicate who shouldered its production expenses and so I assume that the mayor paid for it. I understand that the BOPK calls this as their “yellow card”. Considering that my family is also engaged in the printing business, I have some idea it cost Mayor Osmeña to print a copy for each of the more than 600,000 Cebu City voters.

Thinking Tommy to be Serging’s son, I expected him to be loyal to the Liberal Party. Unfortunately, the yellow card shows he is not. Here is why I say so. It has to be remembered that in the campaign period leading to the 2016 elections, Mayor Osmeña caused the publication of the pictures of three senators, namely Benigno Aquino Jr., Gerardo Roxas and Sergio Osmeña Jr., his own father. Below each image were the pictures of (1) Noynoy, then president of the republic, (2) Mar, then presidential candidate and (3) Tommy, then candidate for city mayor. The clear purpose of the publication was to show that the generation of Noynoy, Mar and Tommy was tied to the political group of their forebears, the Liberal Party. It was thus presumed that they were all loyal to the tenets of the party. Mar Roxas and Leni Robredo, then standard bearers were made to believe that Tommy was a hardcore Liberal Party man here in Cebu City. If his father Serging, once ran for president under the LP banner, Tommy, the son, is supposed to carry the baton. It would have followed that as a loyal party officer, Mayor Osmeña would include in his card, substitutes for sample ballots, all candidates for senator belonging to the Liberal Party in the May 13, 2019 elections.

 This card that was sent to me lists give senatorial bets only. Not one of them is a known member of the LP. There is no trace of the Liberal Party. Vice President Robredo, the highest ranking LP member in the government, must know that Mayor Osmeña does not support such candidates as Mar Roxas, Bam Aquino and Chel Diokno, all supposed partymates of the mayor, here in Cebu City. Let me go back to what I said above. This yellow card sends disturbing message. Mayor Osmena betrays the interests of his father Serging’s Liberal Party by junking, through this card, the party’s candidates for senator in favor of senatorial bets belonging to other political parties. There is, of course, word going around that two wealthy candidates have funnelled huge funds for them to be included in the mayor’s dishonorable list. Granting this to be true, it aggravates the mayor’s act of treachery committed against the LP. 

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