The Code of Calanciao (Lagda ni Calanciao) Part 1

The book “Glimpses in History of Early Cebu” written by Lina Quimat narrates not only of the Code of Maragtas but of a later code promulgated in 1433 called the Code of Calanciao. Believed to have been written by an 81-year-old who lived in the hilly side of Pinamungajan, Cebu, the 18 rules of the code are as follows:

1.) Ye shall not kill, neither shall ye steal, nor shall ye hurt the aged, lest ye incur the danger of death. All those who this order shall transgress shall be tied to a stone and drowned in a river or in boiling water.

2.) Ye shall punctually meet your debt with your headman. He who fulfills not, for the first time shall be lashed a hundredfold, and if the obligation is great, his hand shall be dipped three-fold in boiling water. On second offense, he shall be flogged to death.

3.) Obey ye: No one shall have wives that are very young, nor shall they be more that what he can take care of nor shall ye indulge in excessive lust. He who fulfills not, obeys not, observes not, shall be condemned to swim three hours, and, for the second offense, he shall be scourged with spines to death.

4.) Observe and obey ye: Let not the peace of the graves be disturbed; due respect must be accorded them on passing by caves and trees and where they are. He who observes not shall die by bites of ants or shall be flogged with spines to death.

5.) Obey ye: Barters for food, must be carried out faithfully. He who complies not the agreement shall be lashed for an hour. He who repeats the act shall, for a day, be exposed to the ants.

6.) Ye shall revere respectable places, trees of known value and other sites. He shall pay a month’s work, in gold or money, whoever fails to do this, and if twice committed, he shall be declared a slave.

7.) These shall die: Those who kill trees of venerable aspect; he who shoots with arrows the aged and the woman at night; he who enters the house of the headman without permission; he who kills a fish, or shark, or striped crocodile.

8.) They shall be slaves for a given time; the same penalty shall be imposed upon whomsoever shall keep dogs that have bitten chiefs; those who steal away women of the headman; he who burns another man’s sown field.

9.) They shall be beaten for two days, those who sing in their night errands, kill manual birds, tear documents of the headman; those who are evil-minded, liars, or those who play with the dead.  (To be continued)

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