EDITORIAL – All politics are local

As evidenced by what happened at a series of events in Cebu recently, the ruling Liberal Party is trying to arrange marriages of accommodation with local political groups. The attempts may not be open and official, but the body language of all those involved was there for everyone to see and no amount of self-denial by those who stand to be most affected is going to change the inevitable.

The Liberal Party may be the ruling party. It may have all all the resouces at its disposal. But all of these resources are not expected to bring back to life what is essentially a dead horse. Only a miracle can do that. But for that miracle to happen, marriages of convenience and accommodation have to be arranged. In other words, the Liberal Party, strong and well-oiled as it is, needs more than just a little push from any and all willing local groups.

It is doubtful, however, if any official declaration of marriage would be forthcoming and anyone who thinks so must be hopelessly naive. To officially declare such marriages is to open the Liberal Party itself to internal strife, maybe even open rebellion. So nothing of the sort is likely to happen. Everything will simply be implied, at least until the last minute.

And then all hell can break loose, for anyone may care. This has happened many times before. It can always happen again. In fact, the Liberal Party's own standard-bearer is no stranger to this game, having been its last sorry victim. Now, he must have learned his lessons well. Go on, watch his body language and of those around him. You will be surprised at how natural it seems to play the game.

The game had to be resorted to because, as stated earlier, the Liberal Party, with all its resources, just cannot make its own candidate win without a little help from a few willing friends. Reports have it that an internal survey, commissioned by business groups on behalf of the administration, have shown what the public already knows from the many commercial surveys conducted over the years.

Everybody is talking about a free zone. There is no such thing as a free zone. A free zone suggests a free for all. A free for all can only ensure the certain demise of the very person it ostensibly means to protect. Instead, everybody will be taken care of. The administration has more than enough for everyone. The local battles will still be local battles as they should. The only tradeoff being sought is to make sure the miracle happens and brings back to life the dead horse.

There is sense in that. In fact, it has always made sense. As they say, all politics are local. Everything is decided down at the grassroots. Foolish is the national politician who would dare to get entangled in these dirty skirmishes. But there is a way to squeeze the local juices without actually getting wet. And that is simply to make everybody happy, even if they are actually gnashing their teeth.

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