Coping among our young

Two third year high school students ended their lives so drastically. The reason, their teacher didn't sign their clearances. Obviously, unlike death due to terminal illnesses but like accidents, suicides are sudden and the burden of knowing the answer is perplexing. Yes in most cases, the one committing a suicide would leave a message for the departed the mystery but rather than providing answers, it leads to more questions and doubts.  

I am saddened by their loss as they could have a bright future. Their skills and idealism could have been utilized and contributed to the development of a community. Every lost young is a future wasted. While we want our young to have coping skills so they can surpass challenges, there are still numerous cases involving suicides among our young.

Coping is a very complex process that varies according to many variables such as the situation, the evaluation of the situation, and the resources available. When pressures are mounting and reach to the level that one cannot bear the agony, one tends to end life. It is therefore in these trying times that support to these young is necessary.

But why is it easy for our young to surrender? Are the problems so heavy for them to bear? Is it just difficult for their level? Or the support system is just so weak? Is this a generation of instant gratification that their want and desire shall be obtained instantly without much effort? Or are we in a generation whose threshold of perseverance is low that patience is not anymore a virtue. They don't anymore exhaust other means in solving problems, that for a no answer, it's already the final, the end. They seem not to understand that for every problem, a solution can be found. Or a problem will not necessary be solved right away that waiting can sometimes help as we find viable options.  

When one finds difficult to relate and seek support and guidance from others, he tends to carry it all alone. Friends, family members, especially the parents have great role to play. They all provide the necessary support for one to be guided and enlightened.

Our young need to acquire and develop some coping strategies. These are behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that they can use to adjust to the changes that occur in their lives. They must realize that changes taking place are very much part of their development that they have to surpass. While they experience these changes, support system plays a major part. Support from the parents, teachers and the people around them.

Because they feel others look at them differently, they feel misunderstood and this is the start of questioning themselves that they have acted contrary to the perceptions of others and society's certain standards and conventions, mores, customs, and practices.

In their trying times, the support system must be forgiving and accepting. Such accommodation would help in the process of clearing out doubts and complexities.

Their lack of previous experiences manifests their vulnerability to surrender or quit as an easy option. Thus support from an experienced individual is dire needed. Experienced adults must be willing to provide and share life changing strategies as this can help obtain inputs and guidance. Oftentimes in training them to be independent, we fail to understand that these individuals are work in progress-that there are still areas which they find helpless and unguarded.

The coping of our young can be a rewarding experience for them especially when this would transform them into wise individuals. But this is a journey that needs the company of well-intentioned adults.  We will not fail them in this area as we want to pass on to them the torch of leading the future generation. 

Let's guide our young in their pursuit of their dreams through a long life of resilient living!


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