No to whitewash, no to resignation, no to "coup"

There are three critical things that should not be allowed to happen as postscripts to Mamasapano: First, there should be no whitewash, no cover-up  in all the investigations being conducted; Second, the President should not resign in the midst of this political tempest; and third, any attempt at coup d'état should be resisted at all fronts. We are neither an apologist for this administration nor a purveyor of either the left, the right, or the CIA. We stand on our own position, and we look at nothing else but what option is best for the nation.

First, many speculations are surfacing on why the House investigation was, all of a sudden, out of the blue, just called off, without explaining the rhyme or the reason. The malicious minds are advancing the views that Malacañan does not like the directions of the questioning from Congressmen Tinio and Colmenares and the Makabayan Bloc. They are asking the joint committees to summon the President. And that call, although impossible, is gaining a lot of ground. Well, if it is Deputy Speaker Boyet Gonzales who is behind the sudden postponement, then the link to the Palace is not difficult to discern. A whitewash may not be far behind.

In the face of all political turmoils, however, the President should not resign. His late mother was besieged by no less than seven coups but resignation was never considered an option. The good bishops, including the well-loved Ricardo Cardinal Vidal, who are asking the President to resign, might have overlooked that when PNoy abdicates, the Vice President shall take over. And have they forgotten who the vice president is? In fact, one columnist jokingly remarked that the possibility of Jojo Binay taking over is P. Noy's best insurance to remain in Malacañan.

Although I honestly think that Binay is not that bad, I believe that Malacañan has succeeded in demonizing him extensively and intensively, perhaps, so that people would be afraid of yanking out PNoy. Rumors of coups should also be nipped in the bud because it will bring in more harm than good. The President has barely a year and three months more and he will be bidding Malacañan for good. Any vacuum shall invite the extreme left or the extreme right to take over, and any of them shall be disastrous to the nation.

We should reject any pretender to the ''throne'' who is a puppet of the taipans, tycoons, the military, or the church. We should also reject any robot sponsored by the communists. What we need is a visionary who is neither beholden to the oligarchs, nor dictated by the extreme left. We need a man or a woman of action, who has both competence and integrity, one who walks his/her talk, and does not call us boss, then abandon us in times of grief and hunger for truth. We need an authentic leader, not just a product of emotional packaging.

We are sick and tired of coups and revolutions. We do not want to risk a dangerous vaccum created by a Presidential resignation. All the nation is asking is the truth. A whitewash will only exacerbate the situation.



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