God's ambassadors

There is so much indescribable joy in having our dear Pope Francis in our country.  FB posts and media coverage of those blessed to see and meet him personally show faces that convey happy emotions. Even those who are unable to see and meet the Pope personally, even those who are miles away all throughout the world have expressed their deep emotion and joy and pride in having Pope Francis in our own land!

We have been visited by several popes but this seems to be the first time to have a visiting Pope considered by everyone as being part of his family, part of his life. The Pope is not someone up there, Pope Francis has succeeded in being accepted into people's hearts and lives because of his simplicity, his compassion, his love that he continues to demonstrate throughout the world.

Pope John Paul II is remembered for having shown us all the loving face of our God the Father. Pope Francis also continues to show God's love for all but this simple pope continues to reach out to the people where they are. He stops to hug the sick, he allows a child to play with him spontaneously, he gave up and continues to give up certain privileges of previous popes – he has brought the papacy down to the masses and his simple gestures and ways have reminded all about Jesus Christ's ministry of reaching out to the people, especially the needy and the sick and the sinners.

Pope Francis will stand out as the Pope of the people, as the Pope who blended with the masses, as everyone's Pope!

The cheers and roar of the joyful crowd, the smiles and tears of those touched by this pope will continue and follow him wherever he will go. It feels like we are seeing Christ once more in our streets, in our land, in our midst, in our lives, in our hearts. What a beautiful, touching blessing to experience this visit of Pope Francis in our lives!

As I write this, Pope Francis is celebrating Mass at the Manila Cathedral. More will be written about him, more will be touched and blessed by him and his visit. We also continue to pray for his safe, protected journey throughout our land and back to Rome and throughout his life of service for the Lord.

Meanwhile, this post from Marites Danguilan Vitug posted by friend Rochit was too beautiful not to share. This post was noted as a transcript of an in-flight interview with Pope Francis from Colombo to Manila of Pia, a Filipino journalist: "Holy Father, the Philippines will be very very happy to welcome you in a few hours. My question is: what is your message to those thousands of people who did not and will not be able to meet you in person, even if they wanted to? I am sorry I cannot speak Italian."

Pope Francis is quoted to say: "My response to this question risks being overly simple. I will say a word. The central message of this trip will be the poor, the poor who want to carry on; the poor who suffered from typhoon Yolanda and who are still suffering the consequences; the poor who have faith and hope. The people of God, the poor, even the exploited poor, those who suffer many injustices, material, spiritual and existential. I'll think of them when I'm in the Philippines. The other day, in our house, in Santa Marta, there was a celebration of the Nativity by Eastern Churches. There were some Ethiopians and also Filipinos there. And they had a party; the Ethiopians invited all the employees, there were about 50 of them, for lunch. I stayed with them and I looked at the Filipino employees, how they left their county to look for a better life, leaving behind mother, father, and children. The poor will be the focus."

The Pope continues to re-live for us the life of Jesus Christ here on earth, visiting and reaching out to those who are poor and needy and sick. He has also asked us all to be ambassadors for God wherever we are, however we can.

He will soon leave back for Rome but we pray that the meaning, the essence of his visit – to feel God in our midst, to share God especially with the needy – truly remain in everyone's joyful, blessed heart.

Cebu will be celebrating Sinulog this Sunday but may the real meaning of the festival – Baby Jesus' love for all and keeping this love in our hearts and sharing this love with all throughout our lives – may this love and joy that God shares with us all remain with us always.

Let us all tell the world of God's love – the greatest love of all!



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