Cancer of the heart

Since high school, I have joined (or have been forced to join) what could already be dozens of leadership training seminars, and while I may be far from the ideal product of these well-meaning lecture-workshops, I have retained the theoretical concept of what a great or good leader is, and what he or she is not.

And passing the buck, pointing fingers, and blaming others (while taking credit for their work) almost always top the list of traits that characterize the worst leaders, ever. Suffice it to say, accountability is a big thing in leadership. So Noynoy Aquino, waltzing across Europe and North America with his canned hate-speech against his predecessor Gloria Arroyo is a prime example of this.

Unfortunately, like his unfounded speech at the United Nations Climate Summit in New York (where he claimed that the Philippines has set a goal of tripling our renewable energy by 2030, in stark contrast to the fact that 26 new coal power plant projects have been approved by his government and are set to be functional by 2020, plus the fact that his government has presided over the most widespread massacre of trees in urban areas since the depletion of forests during the Marcos era), all of his vitriol leave out the glaring facts that his favorite punching bag's economic record is beyond reproach.

He demonizes, with every fiber of his pathetic being, Gloria Arroyo as the worst since Marcos, deliberately excluding some important truths about her and her presidency while at it; that under her, our economy grew like it never has since before Marcos became president (40+ quarters of uninterrupted economic growth), our peso was the best performing currency throughout Asia from 2005-2007 (the first time the peso ever bounced back versus the dollar; from Marcos till Estrada, the peso devalued to nearly Php60 to one dollar, and before Gloria stepped down, it bounced back to Php40++ and it has remained largely that way since then), inflation was in check (the price of garlic per kilo, for instance, never reached an obscene Php 400), and that amid the 2007 global economic meltdown that saw the strongest economies of Europe and the Americas floundering and faltering, the Philippine economy grew a staggering 7.1 percent - the highest in the past three decades, and among the very best performing economies in the world.

These were made possible because of her stern and unpopular fiscal reforms, reforms that dealt a debilitating blow on her approval ratings, but which have, to this day, benefited government and this ungrateful president who, by the way, also benefited from the first automated elections in the country - another platform of government realized by the reviled Arroyo.

"As a young man, I was taught that not opposing an oppressive structure was tantamount to perpetuating it. If you recognize a problem, and choose not to do anything about it, then you become complicit, and in fact, even exacerbate it ..," the President said during a speech at Harvard University in Boston.

The hypocrisy of this amoeba is truly one for the books. What does it make of him then when he covers for his corrupt allies and in-laws, when he allows them to cling to their plum posts despite the glaring evidence against them? Isn't he also "perpetuating" them and "complicit" to their crime; doesn't he "exacerbate" things further, too? In a fair and just and honest world, yes, he would be. But in Noynoy's fantasy world where we have the greatest misfortune of being forced to live, everyone else is subjected to this standard but him, this lowest of lowlifes.

He has condemned the Arroyo administration for its "culture of impunity" when he is the first to defend and exonerate, like an infallible emperor, nay, pope, allies like PNP chief Purisima, former DILG undersecretary Puno (remember the Hong Kong hostage crisis and the findings that found him culpable?), Dinky Soliman (and her criminal neglect involving the financial aid and spoiled goods for Yolanda victims), Butch Abad (and his links to Janet Napoles and his unconstitutional DAP), and many, many more. According to him, they are faultless despite the prima facie proof against them. Is that not impunity? The nerve of this hypocrite.

And Gloria Arroyo again? Seriously? Wala'y laing excuse diha, dong? What about his oh so obvious dictatorial inclinations, his unconstitutional DAP, his flip-flopping on the issue of seeking a second term which our constitution explicitly forbids?

Gloria Arroyo again, never mind that she suffers from a medical condition that remains untreated because he's refused her request to seek the best medical attention abroad. Even Marcos allowed and spent for Ninoy's treatment abroad, this when Ninoy was already found guilty of sedition, a crime that was punishable by death at the time. Gloria is merely an accused.

He attacks her person, he claims her achievements, he blames her for everything, he doesn't want her to get better, he wants her to suffer in that room without bail even in the absence of evidence against her. What kind of person is this good-for-nothing bully? Where is his heart?

His lung cancer and the tar and muck from all that chain-smoking might have metastasized to his heart - why else is it the blackest?

Noynoy, and this is in violation of everything I was taught by my Catholic faith (I apologize in advance), but I've had it with you: I earnestly wish you all the bad luck in the world.


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