Marital rape Pinoys

Pinoys used to be No. 1 happiest people in the world. Latest report I read said we're now No. 6. Has the hard times finally clobbered us?

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It says here that the Phl is the next economic miracle in Asia. Asked to comment on this, Noy Temiong said: "Milagro?!"

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It's thundering and raining hard as I write this. This is a good sign, according to the Navaho Indians who surely haven't experienced killer flash floods in their mountain lair.

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I wanted to say it's raining cats and dogs. But the last time I did that a friend of mine who used to be head of the animal welfare society texted me: "Do something about the poor animals."

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I had fun watching SAYRI, a well-listened to and widely watched program on CCTN Ch. 47 last Saturday (May 24/14). The topic discussed by the show hosts -- Atty. Ruphil Banoc and Atty. Divine Marcial Flores -- was marital rape, the law. I had some fun listening to the no-holds-barred opinions on the issue by the many callers and texters. Many were off-tangent, as it were, but that was what made the discussion all the more real fun.

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Before I forget allow me to congratulate the officers and staff of this newspaper (no law against self-praise) for romping away with the Manila Rotary Club's award for "Most Outstanding Regional Newspaper." As we all rejoice, we all say: "To God be the glory."

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The primary school kids in a remote mountain barrio in Abra are struggling to have an education. But most of them only want to become teachers (not doctors, not engineers, not OFW workers) and their common reason is kind of patriotic.

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Why teacher? "Because," they said, "that is what our barrio needs." They said they/poor children have first to learn how to read and write before they could dream of becoming doctors, etc.

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OVERHEARD. An article here says most cities in the Asian region are modernizing their means of commuter transport. And the governments of these cities are spending millions of dollars to achieve modernity. A Pinoy businessman was heard saying: "In the Philippines officials only talk about modern transportation but they don't walk the talk." Replied another bizman: "Mura'g mopabilin gihapon ang mga tayaong jeepney."

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