Obvious flight risks

The fugitive Deniece Cornejo surrendered last Monday afternoon after more than two weeks in hiding. Upon the advice of lawyers and pleas from family members, or maybe because Cedric Lee is already in jail and can no longer finance anything she does, she surrendered to the PNP. Why the PNP and not the NBI? Apparently the family has friends in the PNP. Which explains why Deniece Cornejo even had an audience with PNP director Alan Purisima. I wonder if all fugitives who surrender can have an audience with the PNP director, or is it only reserved for those with friends in the PNP, or those who are rich and famous enough to warrant it? I guess only the Cornejo camp knows for sure. It still cannot be established whether Deniece was indeed in Samar with her other gang members, but according to the family lawyer, she wasn't. Okay.

I firmly believe that an innocent person has no reason to run, unless that person is in grave danger from the true criminals in a case. I would think that all the more would one present himself or herself to authorities to clear one's name. Flight is an indication of guilt, as the saying goes. It doesn't help that all the others similarly charged with the crime of serious illegal detention have gone into hiding, even attempting to leave the country. JP Calma was successful in leaving the country after authorities bungled his preventing to leave. Cedric Lee tried to leave, Ferdinand Guerrero tried to leave. All these attempts just speak volumes.

Which is why whatever application for bail just cannot be granted to anyone involved in this case. They have all run away from authorities, and are all flight risks. The crime itself is non-bailable. Lawyers may argue this, but in this case, after all the evidence made public so far, granting bail to anyone would be outrageous.

I simply cannot understand Deniece Cornejo. It is obvious that she is a victim here. Not by Vhong Navarro but by her actions and the fear of Cedric Lee. Why she just cannot simply tell the truth is unbelievable. Much so for that alleged member of Lee's gang who initially wanted to turn state witness. He backtracks and decides he would rather face the music, with the possibility of prison time than go against Cedric Lee. Lee obviously has a stronghold on all the members of his gang.

That alone should make authorities watch this group even closer. Who knows what surprises are in store for everyone. Guerrero and Fernandez are still at large. They must be caught. But with Lee and Cornejo in custody, then the trial should commence. They continue to proclaim innocence, so we will let the evidence and the courts decide. This case has captured the attention of the country. This is obviously a test case for the moneyed and influential, or even the famous who think that they can just get away with anything.

Let's hope it keeps authorities on their toes.


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