Bucket list for foreign job applicants

And so, you, guys, want to go abroad for a foreign job? Do you know what it takes ? Are you aware of the rules and the procedures? Do you have the basic information on both the opportunities and risks?  Are you well-informed about your basic rights and responsibilities? Have you done your home work on the data and information that you need to know? Have you talked to the right people? Did you ask the right questions? Too many questions, too many things to consider. Searching for a job abroad is both a science and an art. A science because it follows well-established rules and regulations. It is an art because in this game, it is the more experienced, the more savvy who will win.

Having retired as DOLE Undersecretary and labor attache to three countries that are among the top five foreign destinations for OFW's, it is now my advocacy to help Filipinos make their search for foreign work flawless. Here are the bucket list of DO's and DONT's to forewarn foreign job applicants and lead them to stay away from dirty, difficult and dangerous work, and abhor those that are deceptive and degrading of the human dignity. The first of this list is to know your fundamental rights and obligations. You should be empowered only by knowledge of what is right and what is wrong. The second of this is to avoid dealing with direct employers via internet. Stay away from direct hiring. You never know who and what kind of people these characters are who want to hire you.

Third, know the recruitment agency and the people behind it. Make sure that it is licensed and that it has no pending case that would precisely indicate what kind of recruiters they are. Fourth, make sure that, aside from a valid license, the recruiter has a duly approved job order which includes the job you are applying for. You should know that even licensed agencies may commit illegal recruitment by, among other shenanigans, insisting to recruit even without, or outside of the specifications in the job orders. Fifth, do not agree to fly to the host country as a tourist. Make sure that you a valid passport and a genuine work visa. Have a copy of your work contract with a duplicate left to your loved ones. Never lose your documents or leave them carelessly.

Sixth, you should be mindful that your work contract was properly approved by the labor attache, and verified by the POEA. Never agree to sign any other contract that shall vary, alter or modify the terms and conditions of that agreement. Seventh, make sure that you made a thorough research of the laws and the culture of the country you are going to. Be serious about the PDOS (Pre-departure Orientation Seminar). Listen to the discussion and take notes. Ask relevant questions and get as much data and information about the rules in the host country. Eighth, be sure that you know the employer. Leave the employer's address to your loved ones. And make a background check about the employer's business and its track records. Make your employers feel that you respect them.

Ninth, make sure you have the address and telephone number of the ambassador, consul, labor attaché, and welfare officer. When you arrive in the host country, pay a courtesy call to the embassy officials and personnel in your first day off. Establish contact and build relationships. Be active in embassy activities, especially on Independence Day and whenever our president and other senior officials visit the host country. Tenth, be an active member of the Filipino community. Cooperate with their civic activities. Join a sports club and don't fail to go to church or mosque or temple, whatever your religion is. They are your support systems. But avoid gossips and do not be involved in petty politics and intrigues.

Going abroad is a science and an art. But it only takes the simple rule of being wise in everything you do, careful and vigilant. You need to know many things. But the most important thing for you to use is your common sense, your judgment on what is right and what is wrong, and your sense of who the right people to hang out with are and those you must avoid. Never violate the rules, much less take chances on legal regulations. Avoid liquor, drugs, and illicit sex. Respect the authorities and never back stab your employer. Be wise but always remain humble. Pray. Be happy. And always call home. In no time at all, you will be flying back to the arms of your loved ones. God bless and good luck.

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