Sede vacante

If you’re a Christian, particularly Catholic, then the biggest piece of news to reach your ears would be the Pope’s decision to step down by the end of the month, something that has not been done in the last six centuries! Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he will step down as the Catholic Church’s supreme leader and pastor on Feb. 28, citing his health and advanced age. According to the Pontiff, he could no longer fulfill the duties expected of him as the Catholic Church’s leader. His strength has left him, so he says, and in stepping down, the See of Rome and the See of Saint Peter will be vacant.

Of course, this is big news. Many have expressed shock at Pope Benedict’s decision, as many are used to having the Pope pass away, paving the way for a Conclave to be convened and elect a new Pontiff. As I mentioned, the last Pope to resign was in 1415! And while many understand and respect Joseph Ratzinger’s decision, even praising him for admitting that he is no longer fit for the job, so to speak, the conspiracy theorists are hard at work in coming out with reasons of their own.

Pope Benedict was a traditionalist and fundamentalist. Before becoming the Pope, he was known as “God’s rottweiler”! Upon assuming the papacy in 2005, he immediately became controversial by announcing his wish that masses be said and heard in Latin! He was also against priests marrying, gay marriage and female priesthood, making him to be perceived by many as being out of date, old-fashioned. He stressed the importance of family values, and frowned on the controversies around priests who commit inappropriate acts. This, according to the conspiracy theorists, made him at odds with some of the bishops with opposing views. It could be possible that he just got pressured into stepping down, or even became frustrated that his wishes, his edicts were not being followed.

The Catholic Church was quick to announce that a Conclave will be convened not earlier than March 15, and hopefully, a new Pontiff will be elected by the college of bishops in time for the Holy Week. Indeed, what is an Easter without a message from the Pope? It is uncanny that just a few weeks ago, the movie “Angels and Demons” was being played on a cable channel. The story was set at a time when St. Peter’s throne was also vacant, or sede vacante. The Pope in that movie was murdered, paving the way for those with different views to take over the Catholic Church. It does make your imagination run wild, doesn’t it?

It will be interesting to see who will succeed Pope Benedict XVI. Our very own Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle is apparently eligible to wear the Ring of the Fisherman, should he be voted by the Conclave. Might be a long shot, but we can always wish. Others have expressed their wish that the next Pope be a younger, and more in tune with modern times. While I sincerely doubt that traditions will go out with the next Pope, starbger have indeed happened at the Vatican. Whatever happens, we will all be watching out for the white smoke rising out of the chimney at the Vatican. 




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