Dads resist Mandaue measure on election of senior execs

CEBU, Philippines – The proposal to adopt the national memorandum for the synchronization of election of senior citizens organizations in Mandaue City hit a snag last Wednesday after two councilors opposed the measure saying the council should not meddle with the affairs of non-government organizations.

"We have spent millions in pursuit of the (Performance Governance System) so we have to follow the process. In my observation, our power in the council emanates from the people. In this particular case…we will be called ignoramus (if we interfere). We cannot interfere with the affairs of NGOs," said Councilor Beethoven Andaya.

Andaya was first to react, and was later on supported by Councilor Emmarie Ouano-Dizon, when Councilor Diosdado Suico presented his proposed resolution adhering to and adopting the explicit provision of the National Board Memorandum Circular No. 01-2013, prescribing the guidelines of the synchronization of the elections of Federation of Senior Citizen Association of Philippines (FSCAP) and the Office of Senior Citizens Affairs (OSCA).

FSCAP has scheduled the synchronized elections before January 30 this year for the barangay chapters, and not later than February 28 for the presidents.

The councilor said the council should not "meddle" with the elections of the senior citizens as "respect of their rights."  Andaya is the runningmate of Dizon, who will run as mayor this May under One Cebu.

During his manifestation, Andaya read the manifesto purportedly signed by the 12 of the 28 senior citizens organizations in the city.

"This illegal and unreasonable election with the lame excuse of the Memorandum Circular No, 01-2013 of the Federation of Senior Citizens is a pathetic political maneuver which renders its authors lose the respect and support of the well-meaning senior citizens," said Andaya quoting a portion of the signed manifesto.

The 12 senior citizens said that there should be a "strict process" in changing their elections schedule.

For his part, Suico explained that his resolution is only to adopt the election schedule which was already approved by the FSCAP in 2013.

Under FSCAP's Memorandum Circular No, 01-2013 issued last October 14, 2013, for barangay chapter elections, all elections "shall be within four months before any scheduled FSCAP municipal/city elections but should not be later than January 30 or before the expiration date of their third year term."

For her part, Councilor Nenita Layese defended Suico's resolution saying the senior citizens chapter presidents in a meeting last Tuesday had already set the election date which is January 24, pursuant to their own memorandum.

She also questioned the weight of the manifesto presented by Andaya saying it is not the majority of the 28 chapter leaders who signed it. She added that whatever manifestations from Andaya, Dizon and even the chapter presidents will present, the memorandum was issued by the national federation and that the dates were "very specific."

In the end, the proposal was approved. (FREEMAN)

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