Developer sets measures after deadly riprap collapse

CEBU, Philippines - The developer of the 1.4-hectare subdivision in Mandaue City whose riprap project recently collapsed and killed a 13-year-old boy has vowed to adopt mitigating measures to avoid the recurrence of the tragic incident.

“In solidarity with the affected residents, we are committed to undertake any effective mitigating measures so as to avert similar incidents, like landslides, in the near future,” read AIDFAZ Development Corp.’s letter.

The measures include construction of strong permanent wall that can withstand heavy downpour and the provision of telephone/cellphone numbers that residents living near the project site can call during emergencies.

The detailed plan for the subdivision’s wall is expected to be submitted to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources-Environmental Management Bureau next week.

Apart from the plan, the developer also promised to provide financial assistance to the affected residents. It also authorized EMB-7 to regularly inspect the construction site.

The developer is given seven days (starting Monday this week) to comply with the said mitigating measures and with the Environmental Compliance Certificate, including the engineering geological and geohazard assessment to be able to proceed with the subdivision project.

The one-page letter was signed by the company’s president Teresa Vasquez and marketing manager Dive Mendoza, project contractor’s representative Franco Lacandazo, complaints representatives, Environmental Management Bureau officer Engineer Faviano Migraso Jr. and Department of Environment and Natural Resources-7 legal division chief and hearing officer lawyer Fernando Alberca.

The developer has been blamed by the family of the fatality, Vicente Cariquitan Jr., after the riprap 35 meters long and at least four meters high collapsed on the their house. Two other Cariquitan siblings were injured.   (FREEMAN)


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