Pregnant vendor eyes case vs market official

CEBU, Philippines - A female vendor in Minglanilla intends to press charges against the town's market inspector who allegedly mauled and harassed her Monday afternoon in Barangay Ward II Poblacion.

Oshin Rose Fernandez, 25, who is seven months pregnant, wants to file a case against Ramsi Sayson for "hitting her and pointing a gun at her."

Fernandez told The FREEMAN they just came from buying fruits, flowers and other stuff to sell on Monday when the incident happened. She narrated that after they placed their goods in their cart right by the sidewalk, her husband left to answer the call of nature.

At this point, she said, an apparently irked Sayson arrived, approached her and confiscated their weighing scale.

"We were not able to vacate the place since my husband went to the comfort room but we covered our wares so he (Sayson) would know we're not selling them," Fernandez said in Cebuano.

Wanting to take back the weighing scale from Sayson, she followed him until the commotion ensued.

Among Fernadez' allegations are that Sayson held her mouth tight, pointed gun at her, slapped her, and was under the influence of alcohol during their altercation.

Fernandez' sister was able to take a video of the heated verbal exchange which later made rounds online. Although Sayson could be seen attacking Fernandez, the video did not show him toting a firearm.  

Fernandez, however, alleged that Sayson immediately tucked his gun back in as soon as he noticed that the incident was videoed.

Separately, Sayson said he was merely exercising his job and just invoking the municipal ordinance that prohibits selling along the road.

He added that he has strong sentiments against those sell on the sidewalks since there is a "big market provided for the vendors."

Sayson said ambulant vending may not only cause traffic buildup but is also unfair to those who legitimately sell their goods in the market and pay their dues to the government.

He later admitted that Fernandez is a relative but in the end, he said, he has to implement the rule of law to avoid being tagged as selective.

He also owned up to holding Fernandez' mouth but said it was only because he got irked when she kept calling him names. He denied carrying firearm or being drunk that time.

Sayson will file counter charges against Fernandez if a case prospers.

Sought for comment, Mayor Elanito Peña said Fernandez may have provoked Sayson who is a person in authority.

Peña echoed back Sayson's statement that sidewalk vending is not allowed in the town, although he said he is open to meeting both parties to discuss the issue.

The police, for their part, said they are willing to assist the camps in filing any case and promised to be neutral on the matter.

Chief Inspector Richard Gadingan of Minglanilla police urged them to appear before his office if they want to file charges against each other.

This is not the first time a commotion happened in Minglanilla due to market-related concerns.

Last year, the municipal government opened the new market but some vendors resisted, citing bleak income there.

Opposing vendors then picketed outside the old market building, leading to the arrest of six of them, including the sister of Fernandez.

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