Exec wants to detail worker at MCWD facility in Talisay

CEBU, Philippines - A councilor in Talisay City has expressed the need to assign a job order personnel who will monitor water meter readings in Metropolitan Cebu Water District's facility in Barangay Jaclupan.

Councilor Aldin Diaz said the job order worker will be tasked to report to the City Council important information regarding the amount of water being extracted in the area.

Diaz, chairman of the Committee on Labor, Trade and Industry, said monitoring is critical in determining sustainable extraction volumes, as well as the feasibility of development and strategy for efficient management of the water resource.

According to Diaz, the data obtained from the monitoring will equip the council with information vital in executing legislations related to water management in Jaclupan.

In Jaclupan, MCWD is operating 15 wells and the remaining four are utilized as observation wells.

Diaz has been vocal about his scrutiny on MCWD's facility there and whether the city's share in the revenues generated by the firm with the endeavor has been equitable.

Under the Local Government Code, government-owned and controlled corporations, such as MCWD, are to give to the local government one percent share of their revenues from the development and utilization of national wealth.

As of yesterday, the exact amount of Talisay City's share in the said venture was not yet available.

Earlier, Diaz and two other city councilors have requested for a tour in the facility to understand how it is operated by MCWD.

Diaz also asked MCWD to submit a report on how much revenue share has been paid by the water distributing firm to Talisay City since it started operating its Jaclupan facility.   

In addition, he also requested for a report on the actual volume of water extracted by each of MCWD's wells there.  

Already, MCWD already expressed willingness for Talisay City to witness the meter readings in its facility if the city wanted to get first-hand information on the actual volume being extracted.  (FREEMAN)

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