Pregnant customer dupes phone dealer

CEBU, Philippines- A cellphone dealer in Barangay Centro, Mandaue City lost two cellular phones on Monday afternoon after she was duped by a pregnant woman who paid her with fake money.

Rinalyn Alinsug, 24, single and a sales lady of Cherry Mobile Store, reported to the Centro Police Station that she lost two cellular phones costing P8,999 each to a pregnant woman who was onboard a car (YJK-799) around 5:30 p.m. that day.

Police investigation disclosed that the pregnant woman went to the store to ask Alinsug if their store had an Omega HD unit Cherry mobile phone, but as there was no stock, she was offered two Ultra white smartphones worth P18,000.

The suspect then told the victim she would be right back in a few minutes as she will supposedly get the money from her car.

When she came back, she brought with her the money and hurriedly left the store together with the two cellular phones.

It was only when the victim tried to check the money that she found out they were fake bills.

Police are now in the process of identifying the suspect.   

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