Talisay reviews ordinance on cockpits

CEBU, Philippines - The Talisay City Council's committee on Games and Amusement is reviewing an eight-year-old legislative measure that would regulate the operation of cockpit in the city.

City Councilor Danilo Caballero, in an interview with The Freeman, said he wanted to regulate the holding of cockfighting during local fiestas in the barangays within the city as it was not stipulated in the 1996 approved  municipal ordinance.

According to Caballero, the proposal he is reviewing is a win-win solution to the problem of "tigbakay" in the barangays especially during fiestas.

Under existing laws, the holding of cockfights is allowed only in licensed cockpits during Sundays and legal holidays, except as provided in the ordinance.

"It is still rampant in the City of Talisay of holding cockfight derbies and related games and amusement without sufficient legal documents to comply resulting to some oppositions from nearby residents," Caballero said. 

Caballero pointed out that he wants the existing ordinance does not authorize the council to issue special permits for cockfighting during barangay fiesta or Charter Day celebrations despite the apparent need for the same as it is one of the sources of fund-raising for every barangay and a long-time tradition for Filipinos during special occasion.

Caballero said that his proposal will include that it is now incumbent for every barangay to secure a special permit for holding a cockfighting activity even in barangay fiesta.

In the proposed amendment, Caballero said the City Council should issue a resolution for a special permit and this permit should not exceed three days for every occasion whether in succession or in separate days provided it will not be longer than three weeks.

Caballero pointed out "tigbakay" may be considered entertainment for barangay folk during fiestas, but they also pay taxes to the government.

He said cockfighting has already evolved into a money and job generating industry and has become a livelihood for many people. (FREEMAN)

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