Rondina spearheads fund-raiser for Bo. Luz frontliners

CEBU, Philippines —  Cebuana volleyball star Cherry Ann “Sisi” Rondina is spearheading a fund-raising drive for the frontliners of Barrio Luz, which is the hardest hit by the coronavirus crisis among all Cebu City barangays.

The densely populated Sitio Zapatera in Barangay Luz has recorded the most number of positive COVID-19 cases in Cebu at 136 as of this writing yesterday.

With mayor Edgardo Labella ordering a total lockdown in the barangay, the frontliners are now keeping their hands busy in monitoring the movements of all residents in the area.

In an effort to extend help to the needy ones, Rondina will auction her prized jerseys, shoes and other stuff with the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) where she won two Most Valuable Player (MVP) awards in the UAAP.

Rondina said a bunch of players have also committed to help her cause. They will purchase Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) units including face shields, masks and gloves for the frontliners of Barangay Luz out of the funds they will be able to raise.

Those who want to help may send any amount to Cherry Ann Q. Rondina’s BDO account (007280083908).

Meanwhile, Barangay Luz spokesperson EldeBrian Aranez has expressed their appreciation to Rondina’s effort even if they have not yet received the items.

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