Benefits of exercise

We know exercise is good for one's health. We have repeatedly been informed about this on TV, at work or school or every time we visit the doctor. But how many people are actually doing it? Honestly, the only time one may indulge in exercise is either he or she had heard of bad news regarding a friend who passed away due to heart ailments or when one is already diagnosed by the doctor that he or she has to exercise.

Exercise is free. You don’t have to buy it over the counter and it has tons of benefits regardless of your age, weight, sex or physical ability. Check out these five ways how exercise can improve your life.

5: Have you ever felt you lost that mojo? Exercise actually improves your sex life.

Do you know that men who exercise regularly are less likely to have problems with erectile dysfunction than men who don't exercise. Ouch! Sometimes after work, he or she may feel too tired and out of shape to enjoy a physical intimacy. Regular exercise can make your feel energized, look better and gives you enough energy for physical intimacy, which has a positive effect on your marriage especially those that have been together for more than 10 years.

4: Exercise boosts energy.

Quality time with your kids and family is important aspect of making your kids achievements a memorable one. When your kids grow up, you want them to remember the important days you have spent with them and these memories usually last forever. Try to think of your past and sort your greatest achievement and happiest moments, how many of them are with your parents?

If you get winded easily by simply shopping or doing household chores, then it may be a sign that you need a wakeup call and start exercising.

Regular exercise can improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Exercise and physical activity helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy to go about your daily chores and the more energy you have, the more you'll get your things done each day. It may be hard at first but nothing is easy when your doing it the first time.

 3: Exercise improves mood.

    Like the famous saying goes, “Food is the most abused anxiety drug, while Exercise is the most underutilized anti-depressant.”

 If you need to blow off some steam after a stressful day in the office and work, a short run, brisk walking or a short workout in the gym can help. Exercise releases muscle tension, and reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Exercise increase our muscular strength and endurance, improves our cardiovascular or aerobic capacity and all of these changes in our body can improve symptoms such as sadness, anxiety, irritability, stress, fatigue, anger, self-doubt, helplessness and hopelessness that are usually associated with depression. And you may also focus better on your work or decision making.

2: Exercise lowers the risk of heart diseases and other health conditions.

Your heart is a muscle, and it gets stronger and healthier if you exercise. It's never too late to start, and you don't have to be an athlete.

Regular exercise can help you burn calories, lower your blood pressure, reduce LDL "bad" cholesterol, boost your HDL "good" cholesterol and decreases unhealthy triglycerides. This one-two combination is what keeps your blood flowing smoothly, which decreases your risk of cardiovascular diseases and can help you prevent a wide range of health problems, including stroke, type II diabetes, depression, certain types of cancer, arthritis and falls.

It has been proven by our Metafit students who, after eight weeks of training, have a positive and better annual medical check-up results than their previous years without any exercise.

1: Exercise controls weight.

Exercise can help prevent excess weight gain or help maintain weight loss. When you have more muscle, you burn calories. The more intense the activity, the more calories you burn. You don't need to set aside large chunks of time for exercise to reap weight-loss benefits. If you can't do an actual workout, get more active throughout the day in simple ways by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, carrying your groceries, cleaning your car or doing household chores.

I would like to add that exercise is not “magic pill,” but increasing physical activity is a positive and active strategy to help manage your health and make you fitter, stronger and healthier. Physical activity make you more of a positive person by simply able to do things you were not able to do before. Just last week, we concluded our eight-week journey in Qualfon “Healthier You” weight loss challenge. And most of them or all of them have a better persona now. Some even started to wear make-up because they feel good about themselves and are now more confident. You may be slow and finish last in a race but certainly you are ahead than those who are just sitting and doing nothing at home. 

 SIDELINE: Congratulations to Kandaya Fitness for winning The Metafit Fearless Challenge for second year in a row. Congratulations also to Richelle Kate Villacorte also known as “Chikoy” for winning the Qualfon Healthier You challenge. She lost a total of 17 lbs. in eight weeks, she started with 175lbs. The second place went to Annelou Caballes followed by Kathrina Selma, Prince John Dinoro and Darwin Emperio. They lost total of 174 lbs. or an average of 11lbs. per person in just eight weeks.

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