Park of Dreams: They will come

CEBU, Philippines -  My office is right beside the one of the best educational in the country today, the University of San Carlos. Yet, a paradox, just a few steps behind the building where I do my work, is the Kamagayan area, an area with a checkered reputation, the so-called “red light” district of Cebu.

Even though I have spent most of my adult life in Cebu, I don’t know how the place evolved but I’m sure it didn’t start out as it’s known today. I’m not writing about Kamagayan’s past but of its future and I believe most Cebuanos can agree with me.

Before I had my office there, I use to frequent the area, not for the night life, believe me, but for the now defunct ASP Cycles. ASP, as it used to be fondly called, was owned by Spanish mestizo, Jun Farrarons. It was at ASP that I got not only my first road frameset, but also my first custom-made frameset. Not anyone these days can say that they have a custom made frameset, but it was pretty much the norm until the early 90’s when China started mass-producing cheap aluminum frames.

ASP rented a place at the Cebu CitiCenter, which I thought was junior SM or Ayala before SM and Ayala put up shop. I think that that was the same prognostication that the original owners had envisioned but for reasons beyond me, the place denigrated into what it was until a few ago– a place of prostitution, a drug den for the chemically dependent and home for the dregs of society.

How it come into the possession of the city escapes me but what I noticed one day was that it was leveled down. I noticed kids playing on the big empty concreted space and then the next few weeks, I noticed a rusty merry-go-round. Another week later, a “pay-parking” sign was posted. Then I learned that this property was to be developed a high-rise condo by the city.

Last week, I wrote a short note on my Facebook account asking Mayor Michael Rama to turn this once monstrosity into a public park. A friend of mine, Dr. Eke Tiangco, even volunteered his services for free if a body building gym was part of the plan. Why not?

Some people may scoff at my suggestion, but I’ve seen small parks in New York City, smaller than the CitiCenter area, where people enjoyed their moments after work or on weekends. Art exhibits,concerts and other cultural activities were also on the park’s menu.

Councilor Aven Piramide, in his column yesterday, had suggested to the Mayor Rama to turn the place into a Station Central for disasters and calamities. It’s also a good idea but for chrisakes, a condominium,again?  Haven’t the city learned of what happened to condominium they built a few  years ago?

Some of you may think that prostitution and drugs will simply take over but I say they won’t, if we won’t let them. Ray Kinsella, played by Kevin Costner, heard a voice in his head telling him to build a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield in Nowhere, Iowa.

My only hope is that Mayor Rama will hear a voice in his head, saying, “They will come!” (FREEMAN)

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