Change of fortunes

The Philadephia 76ers are probably one of the iconic teams in the NBA.  Who could forget Wilt Chamberlain, Julius Erving, Maurice Cheeks, Darryl Dawkins, Moses Malone, Bobby Jones, Henry Bibby and Lionel Hollins.  These players are some of the best players  in the league.  But take a look  at the Sixers now?, they are two games away in tying the Cleveland Cavaliers for most consecutive games lost in one season.  The Cavs lost 26 straight games in  2110-11.  Philadelphia is right on target unless an upset is in the making since the Sixers are next  facing San Antonio and Houston, both road games.  If they lose to the Detroit Pistons on March 29,  then they will go down in NBA history as the team who lost most consecutive games.  Two other great teams who are sure to miss this year’s playoffs are the Boston Celtics and the Los Angeles Lakers.  Boston is almost at the bottom of the Atlantic Division with a 23 win and 37 loss record while the Lakers who lost Kobe Bryant for the season, occupies the cellar in the  Pacific Division with a 22 (-W) 46 (1) record.  The other Los Angeles club,the Clippers  who used to be the whipping boys in the division, are now on top of the heat with a 49(-W) 21 (L) record.

Coast To Coast 65k Ultra

Iv’e been on a Sabbathical leave from organizing races for almost a year now.  But sometimes it’s hard to get away from your tag.  So once in a blue moon, I accept directing running events.   When Jonel Mendoza  who started ultra running here in Cebu in 2009 asked me if we could still organize the Coast to Coast 65K Ultramarathon, I just could’nt say no.  On May 10 the 4th C2C will again be staged from the Cebu Provincial Capitol to the Toledo City Sports Complex.  Due to the clamor of most runners we will start the race at 10pm.  This year’s race will be limited to 50 participants.  Watch out for details soon.

Aswang Runners

Top rated Kenyan runner Susan Jemutai’ found out too late that she was up against a runner from Capiz (a place rumored to me a haven for “asuwangs”.)  Cindy Lorenzo proved once again that the Kenyans can be beaten when she ruled the 25th Yakult 10 Miler, last Sunday in Manila.  Lorenzo clocked 1:02:27 to top the race “Basin nilupad si Cindy”.




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