Torito Again?

When Pinoy Pride 22 was formally launched, we received a pleasant surprise when it was announced that Rafael “El Torito” Concepcion was coming back to Cebu to fight ALA’s Genesis Servania. Yes, the very same Torito who doused the world championship dreams of AJ “Bazooka” Banal in 2008. Concepcion and Servania faced off at last night’s main event of Pinoy Pride 22.

Our first reaction was one of doubt. Isn’t Concepcion already washed up? Following his win over Banal, he lost fights to Jorge Arce, Fernando Montiel and Nonito Donaire. He quickly disappeared from the crop of the elite boxers just as quickly as he rose to the top. He then took nearly a two year lay-off, making him out of synch. Now on the comeback trail, he has won two fights since resurfacing and was aching to use Servania as a stepping stone for another run at the top, just like he did with Banal. The questions in our minds were if Servania would allow Concepcion to break the hearts of boxing fans once again, and in what kind of shape was el Torito. At the press conference, Concepcion boasted that he is even better today than he was in his last trip to Cebu. He claims that his lay-off was just a break that had to deal with money/managerial problems. More importantly, he claims that the break recharged him to become even better. He stole the limelight at the presscon, parading his cocky self and trash talking his way through the whole thing. And so we now ask, “Was he able to walk the talk last night, or did he eat his own words?”

Concepcion was expected to bully his way through Servania. It’s the only way he knows how to fight. That’s why he’s called the “little bull.” He’ll stalk Servania like a street brawler, will go for the body, hold, clinch, wrestle and try to wear Servania down. While not as skillful, he’s hoping that he’ll weaken Servania in time for a late-round KO win. It’s basically the same script he brought to the Banal fight. Banal was way ahead of Concepcion in all scorecards until Torito’s body punching and rough ways took its toll on Banal. Torito didn’t knock Banal out with a single punch. He just wore him down with his relentless, always moving forward style while throwing punches in the form of wild hooks and overhands. If he was successful at it last night, he should’ve won by either a late round TKO or a come from behind decision.

On the other hand, Servania has the skills to outbox El Torito. But can he do it? Will he not succumb to the pressure that Torito will bring? Will he not cave in and end up fighting the way Torito wants it to go? It’s all about maturity, patience and not worrying about the blood/KO-seeking fans. I’d like to see Servania play a tactical, smart fight and not get into a phone-booth brawl which will favor Concepcion. Servania should establish his snappy jab which should become the key punch of the night. He should jab his way at every opportunity to keep Concepcion at a distance, and set up is deadly straight-hook-upper cut combinations which are really sharp. With his huge advantage in height and reach, he can afford to fight at a distance and make Concepcion work doubly hard to make it a war at close range.  My guess is that Servania won by unanimous decision last night primarily because he stuck to the game plan of boxing and not brawling against Concepcion. Servania should’ve been matador amidst the onrushing Torito, but one who didn’t hesitate to throw his bombs when the timing is ripe for it. But if Servania decided to brawl it out with Concepcion, it could be a totally different story.

A fight that’s expected to partly steal a bit of the limelight last night was King Arthur Villanueva against Edgar “Chololo” Martinez. Villanueva was expected to handily defeat Martinez last night in a display of the technical and more skillful boxer practically toying with his opponent. Ironically, Villanueva (not Servania) was once nicknamed “Matador” due to the way he wisely deals with his opponents. Last night shouldn’t have been any different. After studying his foe in the early rounds through his smart way of flicking his double jab-straight combos and moving around the ring deftly, Villanueva should’ve knocked Martinez out somewhere between the fifth and seventh rounds.

The added bonus from last night’s fights is that part of the proceeds will go to the Bangon SugBohol drive to help earthquake victims.


Time-out: Let’s all continue praying for the recovery of all earthquake-hit areas. With food and drinks well distributed, medication and hygiene are next up. Also crucial is the psychological recovery of all victims. >>> You can reach me at

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