
Cebu News

Tulfo pushes tree planting

Cecille Suerte Felipe - The Freeman

MANILA, Philippines —  All graduating senior high school and college students must be required to plant two trees each as a civic duty for environmental protection and preservation, Sen. Raffy Tulfo said.

Tulfo filed Senate Bill 2691, which if passed, would give graduating senior high school and college students hands-on experience and instill on them a sense of responsibility and understanding about the importance of safeguarding and preserving natural resources and at the same time creating environmentally conscious future leaders.

“This bill is a timely and essential step toward addressing the urgent environmental issues that the Philippines is currently facing,” Tulfo said in his bill’s explanatory note.

“By mandating tree planting as a graduation requirement, the bill promotes environmental awareness, civic engagement, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation,” he added.

In filing the bill, Tulfo said the Philippines faces significant environmental challenges, including deforestation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. Forests are essential in maintaining ecological balance, supporting biodiversity, and regulating the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide.

The senator said the nation's natural landscapes have been harmed by deforestation and forest degradation.

He noted that the bill will directly address these challenges, contributing to reforestation and ecological restoration efforts.

“Educating the youth about the significance of environmental stewardship is vital for fostering a culture of sustainability. By integrating tree-planting activities in the graduation requirements guarantees that students not only learn about environmental challenges in theory but also engage in practical actions,” Tulfo added.

He said the initiative will not only benefit the environment but will also contribute to the overall development and sustainability of the nation.

“Integrating environmental action into the educational journey of students ensures that the next generation is equipped with the knowledge, skills, and dedication necessary to protect and preserve our environment for future generations,” he noted.

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