Anti-drug program gets P50M boost from DSWD

CEBU, Philippines — Cebu City’s drug rehabilitation program gets an added boost with the support extended by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD).

Ernest Herrera, chairman of the City’s Anti-drugs Abuse Council, disclosed that DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian committed P50 million worth of support thru the agency’s Sustainable Livelihood Program (SLP).

Herrera said the support given by DSWD is more than what he expected as he was only looking at the possibility of inclusion of recovering drug dependents in the Assistance for Individuals in Crisis Situation (AICS) program.

Gatchalian said AICS only gives as much as P4,000 which may be gone in less than a month. Under the SLP, qualified individuals can get as much as P15,000 either as capital fund or skills training fund.

Herrera, however, clarified that not everyone can qualify because they would need the endorsement from the barangay officials and CADAC. Herrera said it would help prevent recovering drug dependents from returning to their old ways.

“Bisan kapila pa na mag balik-balik og rehab unya ang atong aftercare dili lig-on, posible gyud na, 90% mobalik gyud na…ato pang palig-onon atong aftercare with the support of the families, stakeholders, barangay officials and of course, the city government,” said Herrera.

Herrera said he already told the City Office for Substance Abuse Prevention (COSAP) through executive director Jonah John Rodriguez to coordinate closely with DSWD on this matter.

Ramil Ayuman, who had been working with Herrera as Mayor Michael Rama’s consultant, said there are currently 10,701 individuals on PDEA/PNP watchlist. Of the total number, 5,885 are drug users and 4,600 are drug pushers.

At present, 3,918 of them have already completed their community-based drug rehabilitation program while 5,459 are still undergoing rehabilitation. — (FREEMAN)

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