For ‘illegal’ collection of parking fees: Arrest CPA workers - Rama

A security guard is deployed by the Cebu Port Authority (CPA) to secure the premises of Compania Maritima, a property it claimed from the Cebu City government. Mayor Michael Rama has ordered the arrest of all CPA workers deployed in the contested property, especially those “illegally” collecting parking fees.

CEBU, Philippines —  In a continuation to the simmering ownership dispute between the Cebu City government and the Cebu Ports Authority, Mayor Michael Rama has ordered the arrest of CPA personnel allegedly collecting parking fees on M. L. Quezon Road, near the disputed Compania Maritima premises.

Not mincing his words, the mayor described the supposed collection of parking fees by CPA as "stupid."

“Tell them, that's stupidity. I will repeat, that is a highly stupid act, tell them,” Rama told reporters yesterday.

A reporter tried to show the mayor an official receipt to a parking ticket with CPA’s name on it with an hourly rate of P20, but the latter said he did not want to see it.

“Let them get out. I want them out,” Rama said.

Rama then told some of his staff to tell the Cebu City Police Office to intervene.

“Let the police come in and they (CPA) cannot take control of the road. It’s not their road, that is Manuel Quezon road, it’s not Compania-CPA road,” he said.

“Drive them out, if not, arrest them. That’s a directive. Ipaundang na… Kung di gani sila motoo, arrest them and put them all to prison,” he added, stressing that what the CPA is doing is illegal.

Rama said he already declared war against CPA and that he is taking everything seriously.

“We will never stop. I have already declared war. I do not have to be bringing our punches. Just leave it to us. We know how to handle this matter,” Rama said.

To note, the Regional Trial Court granted the CPA’s application for a writ of preliminary injunction on the Compania Maritima ownership row, which affected the City Government and Megawide Construction Corp. (MCC)’s joined venture agreement in line with the Carbon Market re-development project.

Reporters asked Rama if he had been in talks with Megawide over the matter concerning the Compania Maritima and the fate of the proposed Puso Village, among others.

As for Megawide, Rama said that as an investor, there is such a thing as “caveat emptor” which, as he said, “in the parlance of sale, that is, buyer beware”. – JMD (FREEMAN)

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