DVMF assures proper disposal of dead animals

CEBU, Philippines —  Cebu City’s Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF) has guaranteed that appropriate measures are being conducted for the timely disposal of dead animals.

In a letter to the City Council dated September 1, 2021, DVMF officer-in-charge Jessica Maribojoc shared the animal health measures that the department has undertaken for the protection and welfare of the animals in the city, more particularly domesticated animals like dogs and cats.

This is in reference to the council’s resolution urging the DVMF to formally inform and refresh all barangay officials of their Animal Health Division hotline relative to animal concerns including reports of animal abuses or roadkill for appropriate action or timely disposal.

Maribojoc said she communicated with the Department of Public Services, through its head Atty. John Jigo Dacua, to discuss the matter on the disposal.

“I got an assurance that animals who will be victims of roadkill will be given proper disposal by DPS personnel. DVMF will dispose animals who are euthanized in the pound but not those which died in the streets since our office don’t have the equipment/logistics for their disposal,” said Maribojoc.

In addition, she said they will send communication to all rabies coordinators or the chairman of the Committee on Health in the barangays on the proper way to handle matters on animal roadkill and timely disposal.

DVMF previously conducted a seminar on Animal Welfare Laws and Regulations in coordination with the Department of Agriculture - Animal Welfare Division, which was participated by barangay officials, employees, and police officers.

Maribojoc said the participants were oriented on the enforcement measures of Animal Welfare Act and how to handle cases on animal cruelty and abuses.

She said they also linked up with individual rescuers and animal rescue organizations such as the Island Rescue Organization and Happy Tails Philippines, among others. These organizations represented the animals who suffered cruelty in the legal battle.

On reported animal abuse cases, the animals were referred to these organizations or individual rescuers for continued recovery and it is the DVMF that provides the manpower and vehicle during the rescue.

Maribojoc said the reason for the referral is due to the fact that they have a better facility fit for the well-being of the rescued animals.

Meanwhile, she assured the department has a strong coordination with the different barangays in the city and has established a directory of the different rabies coordinator in each barangay.

For residents who wish to reach out to DVMF in matters of animal health concerns, they may contact these numbers: 0968-2004967, 0945-1237487, 4010-0418, and 401-0419.

Also, the Facebook page Cebu City Animal Care and Control caters to all inquiries about animal matters and provides schedules for dog and cat vaccination, spay and neuter. — FPL (FREEMAN)

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