P4.5 million worth of 'ukay-ukay' from China intercepted

CEBU, Philippines — The Bureau of Customs-Cebu seized an estimated P4.5 million worth of used clothing locally known as “ukay-ukay” from 694 bales believed to have come from China and intended for local market.

BOC-Cebu District Collector Atty. Charlito Martin Mendoza issued a Warrant of Seizure and Detention (WSD) against the shipment for violation of Republic Act No. 4653, which prohibits the importation of used clothing "to safeguard the health of the people and maintain the dignity of the nation."

The shipment, which arrived at the Port of Cebu on August 20, 2020, was declared to contain hotel supplies.

According to BOC-Cebu's Facebook post, the inward manifest stated that the shipment is consigned to GRR Trading based in Talisay City, Cebu.

It can be recalled that GRR Trading was the same importer involved in shipments of smuggled cigarettes valued at P234.7 million coming from China and also seized by the bureau last month and early this month.

The Bureau’s Action Team Against Smugglers (BATAS) has already instituted criminal charges against GRR Trading before the Department of Justice for the unlawful importation of various brands of cigarettes.

These smuggled cigarettes include the brand name Mighty, Ford, Marvel, and Astro.

The bureau’s Account Management Office (AMO) has also revoked GRR Trading’s accreditation as an importer. — KQD (FREEMAN)

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