Murder suspect killed in shootout

CEBU, Philippines - A man facing a murder charge and known for his alleged drug activities was shot dead by the police when he allegedly resisted arrest Wednesday in Dumanjug town, southern Cebu.

Danilo Deligero, 31, a resident of Barangay Tubod-Bitoon, sustained gunshot wounds to the different parts of his body that led to his death.

When Dumanjug police cornered Deligero, he did not allegedly yield but instead pulled out his gun and fired at the arresting officers, Police Officer 2 Ronilo Quirante told The FREEMAN.

Quirante said this prompted the team of Police Inspector Rogelio Amoroso Jr. to retaliate, killing Deligero in the process.

Deligero was rushed to the Barili District Hospital but was pronounced dead on arrival.

The police, who managed to leave the scene unharmed, were able to recover caliber .357 revolver with two empty shells and four live ammunitions from Deligero.

Based on their surveillance, Deligero had been in hiding after he and his father Leon, 51, were implicated in a murder case.

On Wednesday afternoon, police served the warrant of arrest against the two. They were able to arrest the father who eventually told the police of Danilo’s whereabouts.

Police said even as Danilo was at large, his name was often tagged in reports concerning illegal drug trade in their locality.

Leon is now detained at Dumanjug Police Station pending commitment order from the court for his transfer to Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center.

Meanwhile, a 29-year-old man was shot dead by yet unidentified perpetrator Wednesday outside his residence in Danao City.

The victim was identified as Rian Cane Roble, a resident of St. Peter Village in Barangay Taboc.

At round 8:45 p.m., Roble reportedly went out of his house to check on someone who was calling his name. As soon as he stepped out, however, he was met with gunfire and was hit in the left side of his head.

Roble was not able to make it to the hospital.

Danao City police are still investigating to determine the motive of the incident and to identify the suspect.   (FREEMAN)



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