Mother seeks CIDG-7 help to find missing daughter

CEBU, Philippines - A mother of a 15-year-old girl has asked the help of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group-7 after her daughter has gone missing for almost a month, whom she believes has been “kidnapped” by her “text mate” last December 20, 2015.

Marife Silador, of Canjulao, Lapu-Lapu City, sought the help of CIDG-7 since, according to her, there was no progress in the investigation of Cordova Police Station and Guba Police Station over the case of her missing daughter.

Marife narrated that she left her daughter at home lunchtime on December 20 to attend a Christmas party. But when she returned, her daughter was reportedly gone.

Marife said she was informed by her niece that after she left, Mary Jane also left to see her “text mate.” The girl never came home after that.

She added that the last time she and her daughter communicated was through the phone on December 26, 2015 when Mary Jane told her that she was in Cordova town.

However, she said their conversation was cut short by a man who apparently grabbed the phone from her and said “di na ni mouli si Joy-Joy  sa inyo.”

Afraid that something might have happened to her daughter, Marife sought assistance of Guba police personnel and Cordova policemen, but nothing happened.

Yesterday, she decided to ask the assistance from CIDG-7 after she heard of its success in locating kidnapped babies recently.

Superintendent Fermin Armendarez III, CIDG-7 deputy chief, said that there are a lot of things that they need to do in order to locate the girl.

    Based on the mother’s account, Armendarez said that the child is deprived of communication and deprived of her liberty and that is enough reason for them to investigate the complaint thoroughly.

He said that an inquiry will be done by CIDG investigators who will dig deeper into the complaint through getting information from the girl’s classmates and close friends.

Armendarez said they are looking into a possible case of serious illegal detention. — (FREEMAN)

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