Senatorial bet pushes longer maternity leave

CEBU, Philippines – A Liberal Party senatorial candidate is pushing for a longer maternity leave especially for single working mothers.

Risa Hontiveros, a former PhilHealth director, called for an expanded maternity leave also for women workers, providing working mothers with maternity leave benefits equivalent to 120 days with full pay regardless if it is through normal delivery or caesarian.

For single mothers, Hontiveros is pushing for 180 days maternity leave.

Hontiveros in a statement said that the government should bring forward real changes in the lives of women, particularly on their health needs.

“We must not only renew our commitment to take care of our mothers and their children, but take this commitment a step further by expanding the paid maternity leave for pregnant women employees,” she said.

Hontiveros said there should be ample pre and post-natal health care especially for working moms who not only take care of their families at home but face various challenges in their workplace.

The administration’s senatorial bet said that increasing the days of maternity leave would give working mothers the support they need to properly care for their child.

“For a mother, there is no greater joy than welcoming and nurturing their children. This will ensure working mothers’ full recovery from childbirth and a stronger mother-child bond through breastfeeding,” Hontiveros added.

She said that it is high time women workers’ role in reproductive work is recognized.

“While women hold up half the sky, it would be unjust for us to continue to give them half or less of the benefits they deserve,” Hontiveros added.

Under the Philippine Labor Code, employers are required to grant pregnant employees maternity leaves during which they are entitled to receive full pay even if their delivery is unsuccessful or results in a medical abortion.

Pursuant to Republic Act No. 7322, pregnant women may take a leave of 60 days with pay equivalent to 100 percent of their basic salary, allowances and other benefits.  For women who undergo caesarian deliveries, they are entitled to take a leave of 78 days with pay.

Hontiveros cited that the International Labor Organization’s Convention No. 183 mandates a minimum 98 days maternity leave. — Mitchelle L. Palaubsanon/NSA (FREEMAN)


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